A) Build to a heavy set in the following complex

1 push press + 1 push jerk + 3 split jerk (off rack); R90S x 4-5 sets

B) Front squat cluster 2.2.2 R20S/3M (compare to 10/27)


10 min AMRAP @ 90%

– 3 wall walks

– 5 SA DB thrusters R (tough)

– 25 DU

– 5 SA DB thrusters L

– 200m run


A) Thruster – build to a 1RM thruster off the ground in 10 min
*squat clean thruster if able
“Grace” retest from 9/29
– 30 clean and jerks for time (135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

4 rounds @ 80-90%

– 400m run

– 5 wall walks

– 10 T2B

– 15 box jumps – SD 24/20”

– 20 cal row


A) Power snatch – build to a heavy rep in 8-10 min

B) Atlas stone tutorial and practice

B1) Close grip bench press 3-4 reps @70%+; R10S

B2) Bent over DB row 8-10/side tough; R20S btwn and 20S after

B4) Atlas stone ground to shoulder 8 reps quickly; R3M x 3-4 sets


Tuesday 10/28

3 sets 97% effort

– 8-10 shoulder to overhead (tough but UB)

– 8 burpees AFAP

– Row 15 pulls all out

Rest 3-5 mins


3 sets 97% effort:

– 12 KBS as heavy as you can with UB set

– 8 no push up burpee box jump 15″ AFAP

– 200 m SPRINT

Rest 3-5 mins


October Athlete Of The Month: Brent Glass

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1. When did you join EDCF?  How did you find the gym?  What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?

Around November of last year, my wife began asking me if I would be interested in joining East Dallas CrossFit. I didn’t know the first thing about it.   In fact, my only impression of CrossFit had come from seeing much younger and healthier people wearing Crossfit T-shirts.  At age 43, I was not at all certain that crossfit was designed with me in mind.  Especially since, despite being a very active runner in the past decade, my workout regimen had basically evolved into lying on the couch until the urge to exercise had passed.

But my wife was persistent, and so we joined an essentials class and met a fantastic group of people, many of whom I still see today.  Upon finishing that, I attended my first “real” class on a Saturday and it was a great experience!  My first workout was a partnered WOD and I was fortunate to have Jason as my partner.  He was very patient, friendly, and more than willing to pick up the slack for his novice partner.  In fact, everyone who was a “regular” that day seemed to make it a point to call me out by name or tell me how good of a job I had done.  I gratefully accepted what was surely their polite exaggerations and left feeling a bit like a rockstar.  I loved the sense of accomplishment and community. I was hooked!

2. What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?

I started out by attending the 7:30 class because it fit well with my wife’s schedule.  But after a couple months we found out that we were expecting!  So, she decided to take a break for awhile and I found a new home at the noon class.  This class consists of a great group of folks. As for the people I work out with most regularly: Ashley, Jake, Adam, Rosario, and Jared, come immediately to mind.  They are the people who push, pull, and playfully mock me into doing more than I think is possible. I appreciate them very much.

3. Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/husband/bf/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?

When I’m not at CrossFit or hanging out with my new daughter, I am a therapist in private practice here in east Dallas.  Since bringing Emily home from the hospital, my hobbies include changing diapers, washing bottles, and brokering the peace between my daughter and our 90 pound dog, Ranger (I foresee quite a few tea parties in his future).  But in the not too distant past, my hobbies included following Longhorn athletics, auto repair, and playing guitar somewhat badly.

4. What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?

The community and the culture of EDCF.  I can’t say enough good things about Ryan and the other coaches. They do so much to foster the incredibly welcoming and supportive culture which makes EDCF an amazing place.

5. What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?

My favorite workouts are ones that include long AMRAPS with lots of different activities. I really feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish one.  Also any workout that includes running is a fun workout to me.

As far as goals are concerned, I’m still working on mastering those ridiculous double-unders.  In the long-term, my goal is to turn 45 next year feeling fitter than I did at 25.  Honestly, I’ll probably meet the long-term goal well before the short term one.


A) Front squat cluster 3.3.3
B) Weighted pull-up 2-3 x 3; R2M
or Negative pull-ups 4-5 + 6-8 DB rows/side x 3; R2M
EMOM x 12 min –
min 1-4 – CTB kipping pull up x 4-6 or 6-8 ring rows @ 30X1
min 5-8 – FLR on rings x 30 sec
min 9-12 – 6-8 V-Ups

10min 90% aero

– Row 150m

– 5 T2B

– 25 DU

rest 3mins

10mins 90% aero

– Run 200m

– 6 burpees

– 10 KBS (53/35)

rest 3mins

10mins 90% aero

– 5 power clean and jerk (95/65)

– 10 HR pushups

– 10 CTB pull-up in unbroken 5’s or 2’s