A) Snatch pull x 1/hang snatch x 1; build this complex in 12 mins


“Jackie” for time:

– 1000m row

– 50 thrusters (45/35)

– 30 pull-ups


Barbells & Handlebars 2014 Recap

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Barbells & Handlebars 2014, the best one yet, is in the books. Saturday started out a madhouse with things quickly falling into place and ran smoothly for the majority of the event. Throwing an event like this shows the roots of our community. How a bunch of awesome people were able to volunteer their time and effort and come together as a team for a greater cause. Our volunteers were the fabric of BBHB and I can’t thank you all enough. Seeing everyone working together really warmed my heart and was a huge reminder of why I wake up at 5 every morning to do what I do everyday. I appreciate each and every one of you and I can’t thank you enough for making this event possible. This is what CrossFit is all about and this is what I have been working to make our gym about; the community.

A big congratulations is in order to all of those who competed this weekend. For many of you it was your first taste of competition and you rocked it. It takes guts to put yourself out there like that. I hope that your experience was a positive one and you will consider more in the future. Every one of you athletes conducted themselves with the utmost class and for that I am so very proud to call myself your coach.

I would also like to recognize Jennifer Evidente and Justin Welch who won 2nd and 1st respectively in their intermediate divisions. Way to go you two! You both deserve it as I know how hard both of you have been working in class.

I would also like to quickly thank my awesome team of coaches and fellow owners. Drew, Justin, and Trevor were the glue that held everything together on Saturday. Chase and Ben did everything behind the scenes to make everything you saw unfold possible. A big thank you also goes out to Bryan and Jill Perkins for loading so much time and energy into this event year after year since it’s conception.

I am lucky to have such a great set people around me, thank you again.


A) Front squat – build to a 1RM (re-test again)

B) 1 power clean and split jerk @ 75% every 45 sec for 9 min


12 min AMRAP @ 85%:

– 200 m run

– 10 KB swings (53/35)

– 10 box jumps (24/20”)

A) EMOM x 10 min

– deadlift 70% of 1rm TnG x 3 (speed focus)

B1) Good mornings @30X1; 8-10; rest 30sec (perfect form)

B2) Rear foot elevated split squat; 6-8/leg; rest 90sec x 3


3 rounds for time (grinder)

– Man makers : 9, 7, 5 (35/20ish/hand)

– 200 m run


A) Close grip bench press – build to a max in 10 min

B) Powell raise – take 10% of A and AMRAP/arm @30X1


EMOM x 15 min

1: 8 DB snatches (50-75/20-45)

2: 6-10 T2B

3: 12 burpees to 6” target


A) E2MOM x 10 min

– 5 TnG power clean + jerk (building/set)


3 rounds @ 85, 90, and 95%:

– 20 cal row

– 15 wallballs

– 30 DUs or 90 singles

– 15 box jumps – SD 24/20”

– 20 cal row



A) Front squat – Build to a 1RM in 10 min

B) Weighted pull-up – build to a 1RM in 10 min



3 RFT:

– 25 KB swings 70/53

– 25 burpees


45 min clock complete in no specific order:

30 CTB pull-ups

Run 800m

50 KB snatches 25/side (53/35)

Row 1K


50 thrusters (95/65)


*Must complete all reps of each movement before moving onto the next.