A1) RFESS 6-8/leg @ 30X1; R30S

A2) Weighted pull-ups 2-3; R90S

OR negative pull-ups 4-5 @ 3-5 second decent; R90S


3 sets increase pace per set 80%, 90%, 100%:

– 200 m run

– 10 DB snatches alt. (50-75/20-45)

– 15 burpees

– 20 box jump – SD (24/20”)

– 25 DU

– 200 m run

rest 5-6 min


*Can sub run with row or AD depending on weather.

A) Segmented clean pull (3 stops + hip extension/shrug)

– 5 sets of 3; R1-2M

B) EMOM x 8 min

– hang squat clean (building from 60-85%)

C) 6 sets

30 sec row @ 90%


30 sec KB swings (53/35)



Making A Resolution: Setting Outcome Goals Vs. Behavior Goals

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Making A Resolution: Setting Outcome Goals Vs. Behavior Goals

Making new goals for 2015 is easy. Following through on these goals is the hard part. The first step of making progress on any goal you set is focusing on how exactly that goal is structured. The main difference between good and bad goals is whether or not the goal is within your control.

An outcome goal is when you put a specific number or target on your goal. This is pretty typical when you hear people spouting off their New Year’s resolutions. Saying that you want to lose 15 pounds or add 20 pounds to your back squat in 2015 are both examples of outcome goals. You’re not really sure how you’re going to get to that number but your going to get there right? Well, we all know that it isn’t as easy as it sounds in your head. So how do you attain better body composition or add strength to a particular lift? Set a behavior goal.

Setting behavior goals will put you in the proper mindset and create proper habits to get you to a specific outcome. A better version of the above weight loss goal would be to say “I am going to lose weight BY eating clean paleo every day of the week and allowing only one cheat meal on the weekends while also making it to the gym 4 days a week”. A better version of the person who wants to add to their squat would be to say “I am going to focus and add volume to my back squat strength training BY starting a squat cycle that I complete before my regular crossfit classes twice a week.” Now you might not hit that aforementioned goal of losing 15 lbs or adding 20 lbs to your back squat. Or you might crush those numbers. The key here is developing good habits that you can stick to to eventually meet and surpass those specific numbers.

So don’t put a damper on your goals before you even start working towards them. Develop good habits and practices that will lead you to being a better version of your current self by making behavior goals and clearing your mind of the outcome. Remember, all facets of fitness are a journey and not a destination.



A) 3 position snatch cluster (high hang, above knee, floor) 1.1; R20S/3M – light to moderate x 4 sets

B) Back squat – 3, 2, 1, 1, [1] (testing – last day of cycle); R3M

C) EMOM – 12 mins

E: 1 MU + 6-10 ring dips (sub 3 CTB pull-ups)

O: 8 no push burpee box jump – sd (24/20”)


A) Press cluster TnG 1.1.1 R10S/3M x 3 sets (build from 75-95%)

B) T2B tester

Advanced T2B tester

– 50 T2B for time

Intermediate T2B tester

– 30 T2B for time

Beginner T2B tester

– 50 straight leg abmat sit-ups

C) Row 500m @ 90% or ideal 2K pace

– w/partner; 4-5 sets each

Partner 20 min AMRAP:

– 5 S20 115/75

– 10 Deadlifts

– 15 Box jumps/step-ups 24/20″

* 1 person working at a time

2015, The Rededication

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2015, The Rededication

As we turn the chapter of another year it is important to think about 2015 as not just “another year”. I am declaring that 2015 be the year of The Rededication of EDCF and its athletes. We as a gym and community, are rededicating ourselves to you as members. In return we hope you, as a lifelong athlete, will rededicate yourself wholly to our program. We will strive week in and week out to give you the best programming around to be utilized in a positive training environment fueled by a team of passionate coaches.

What are we asking of you in return? We ask that you make a commitment to fitness this year. To trust in our program to get you to your goals that you should be setting for the year ahead. To make it to class consistently and on time with a willingness to learn. To fight through the bad training days and celebrate the good ones. To be supportive of your peers and dive into the gym’s community headfirst. We want you to get the most out of what we have to offer this year and we realize that starts with us!

This year we vow to create more opportunities for you to grow as an athlete. There will be more movement clinics, nutrition seminars, mobility classes, frequent body composition testing, more weightlifting and gymnastic skill progressions, and more apparel (plus much much, much more!) all within the upcoming months. We want to help you add new tools, as well as sharpen old ones, to your ever-growing health and fitness toolbelt. We aren’t just training you for CrossFit, we are training you for life!

Here’s to a new year, a new gym, and a new you!



Ryan Savard

Head Coach and Co-Owner of East Dallas CrossFit


A) Power snatch x 1/Snatch balance x 1/Hang snatch x 1; build this complex in 12mins


14 min amrap/cap (retest from 12/13/14)

– Row 60cals

– 50 wall balls (20/14)

– 40 box jump sd 24″

– 30 burpees

– 20 heavy power cleans (225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65)