Overhead Squat Mobility: Part 2 of 5 (Hips)

The next link in the overhead squat mobility chain is the hips. If there is restriction around the join of the hip there can be a lack of flexion of the hip (closing motion) and the femurs will not be able to angle out correctly to enable knees to track over or outside of the toes. Really this means that there will be a lack of depth and/or your torso won’t sit up as high as it should at the bottom of the squat. Check out these tips to open those hips!

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A) Pause front squats 4 sets x 5-6 reps @ 4111; R2-3M


B) For time:

– 25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)

– 25 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

– 20 Wall Ball Shots

– 20 Box Jumps

– 15 Wall Ball Shots

– 15 Box Jumps

– 10 Wall Ball Shots

– 10 Box Jumps


C) Mobility: quad smash x 1-3 minutes per side


8am Masters

In teams of two, for time:

– 1000 row

– 80 goblet squat

– 80 RKB swings

– 800m row

– 60 DB push press

– 60 ring rows

– 600m row

– 40 partner handoff medball sit-ups

– 40 push-ups

– 400m row

– 20 burpees


9am CrossFit

In teams of two complete AMRAP in 35 min switching off each round:

– Row 300/250m

– 8 shoulder to overhead (115/75, 95/65)

– 8 front squats

– 8 burpees over bar


*Put rowers on both ends of the gym.


10am Level 2/Barbell

A) Technique warm-up, 5 sets:

– power clean + hang squat clean + push press + split jerk @ light to moderate weight

B) E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)

– hang clean + clean + split jerk @ 65-75%

C) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– clean + jerk @ 75-90+%

D) Clean pull x 3 sets (build back up 3 times)

2 @ 90%

2 @ 100%

2 @ 110%

A) E2MOM x 8 min (4 sets)
– Snatch 3 position work at 65-75%
B) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)
– 2 snatch lift offs (pause 1 sec at knee) + 1 snatch @ 75-85%
C) 3 sets not for time:
– 4, 8, 12, or 16 UB T2B (work on connecting reps)
– Lateral sled drag down and back
– AMRAP UB strict then kipping HSPU
D) 500m row for time

A) Banded Deadlift
– 10 banded singles at 65%; R30S between each
*use green band, 5% heavier than 12/16
B) Deadlift
set 1 – 5 reps @ 65%
set 2 – 5 reps @ 75%
set 3 – 3-5 reps @ 90% (up 2% from 12/16)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
B) EMOM x 15 min
1: 12 alternating DB snatches (50-75/20-45)
2: 5-15 ring dips
3: 220/180m row (scale down to 200/150m if needed)

Overhead Squat Mobility: Part 1 of 5 (Ankles)

I often refer to having tight ankles as having a bad foundation under your house. It doesn’t matter how nice your house is,  if you’ve got foundation issues then you have major problems from the ground up. Similarly, if your ankles are tight your hips won’t sit right and your torso/shoulders won’t be in a position to support a barbell correctly in an overhead squat. Basically if your ankles are tight, your knees won’t sit far enough over your toes and you will have to overcompensate either by collapsing inward at the knee or putting your shoulders in an unstable/weak position. This video explains a few ways in which to target the muscle and connective tissue associated with ankle. These stretches can be done before or after class and should be done on a regular basis if you are tighter than normal.

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A) 3 rounds not for time:
– 6 banded YTWLs
– 10m handstand walk (use partner assist if needed)
– 3 broad jumps for distance
B) Every 6 min x 24-30 min (4-5 sets)
– Row 500/400m
– 10 thrusters 95/65
– 10 pull-ups
*More advanced athletes should perform CTB pull-ups.
*If you can’t keep up with every 6 min, scale down meters/reps.

A) Barbell cycling: power clean

4 sets:

– 8 UB TnG power cleans, R2M between each set

*Start at 50% or 1RM PC and build if able. Keep each set UB and work on efficiency.

B) EMOM x 15-18 min

1: 2-3 DB no-squat man makers (35-55/15-35)

2: 5-8 box jump overs 24/20”

3: 10, 20 or 40 DUs depending on ability

C) 3 rounds not for time:

– 12 supine medball hamstring curls

– L-sit x 30-40 sec accumulated