Happy Labor Day!

“Hotshots 19”

6 Rounds for time of:

– 30 Squats

– 19 Power Cleans (135/95)

– 7 Strict Pull-ups

– 400m Run


*Scaled perform only 4 rounds. Scale weight with 115/75, 95/65, 75/45 or DBs (masters).

*9am class only.

8am Masters

20 min AMRAP with a partner, alternating each movement:

– 10 plate ground to overhead

– 10 plate Russian twist

– 10 plate goblet squats

– 200m run or 250/200m row (done together)


9am CrossFit

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

– 20 Double-Unders

– 10 Air Squats

Rest 1 minute

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

– 5 dumbbell man-makers

– 10 box jumps (24″/20″)

Rest 1 minute

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

– 5 toes to bar

– 10 push-ups (chest to ground)

Rest 1 minute

– 800m run AFAP


10am Barbell

A) Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):

3-Position Snatch @ 60%

(high hang, mid-patella, floor)


B) Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):


*Sets 1-3 = 2 reps @ 70%

*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 75%

*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 80%

*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 85%

*Set 7 = 1 rep @ 85-90%

*Set 8 = 1 rep @ 90-95%


C) 4 sets of:

– 3 snatch pulls @ 95-105%

A) E2MOM x 16 min (8 sets)

– 2 (squat) cleans + 1 split jerk

*Start at 60% and build to 90%.


B) 5 sets, against a 60 second running clock, AMRAP of:

– 10 KB swings (70/53)

– max reps of thrusters (75/55)

Rest 60 seconds between sets.

A) E2MOM x 20 min (10 sets)

Sets 1-3: 3 high hang snatches @ 50-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 hang snatches @ 65-75%

Sets 7-10: 1 snatch @ 80-95%

Set 11: 1 snatch @ 101% (optional)


B) AMRAP in 12 min:

– 10 alternating DB snatches (45-75/15-40)

– 20 box jumps (24/20)

– 200m run


C) 3 sets:

– 10 bent over supinated barbell rows @ 2111

rest as needed

A) 4 sets:

– 6-8 Good mornings @ 30X1 tempo

– R30S

– 8-10 single arm presses @ 21X1

– R30S

– 5 roll to candlestick OR 10-20 hollow rocks

– R1-2M


B) 2-3 sets for times of:

– 500m row

– 25 ring dips

– 20 toes to bar

Rest 4-5 minutes between sets


C) 3 minutes accumulated in low ring FLR hold

A) E3MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– Back squat x 4-5 @ 80-85%


B) EMOM x 15-18 min (5-6 sets)

1: 4-5 deadlifts @ 65% + 6 over the barbell burpees

2: 12 walking lunges (70/44, 53/35, 44/25 per hand)

3: 12/9 cal row

Programming Overview: Aug. 29 – Sep. 3

Dave likes to party.

A big thank you goes out to everyone who helped us celebrate our 5th birthday this past Saturday. We sweated, ate 120 tacos, killed a keg, and all in all had great time! As a gym owner, these are the best moments to be a part of. Seeing a community 5 years in the making come together is heartwarming to say the least. Thanks for the memories. Here’s to many more!


Monday 8/29

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets):

– 1 behind the neck split jerk + 1 split jerk

*Building from 65-85+%.


B) For time:

– 15 ground to overhead (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– 15 pull-ups

– 400m run

– 12 ground to overhead

– 12 pull-ups

– 400m run

– 9 ground to overhead

– 9 pull-ups

– 400m run


Tuesday 8/30

A) E3MOM x 12 min (6 sets)

– Back squat x 4-5 @ 80-85%


B) EMOM x 15-18 min (5-6 sets)

1: 5 deadlifts @ 65% + 6 over the barbell burpees

2: 12 walking lunges (70/44, 53/35, 44/25 per hand)

3: 12/9 cal row


Wednesday 8/31

A) 4 sets:

– 6-8 Good mornings @ 30X1 tempo

– R30S

– 8-10 single arm presses @ 21X1

– R30S

– 5 roll to candlestick OR 10-20 hollow rocks

– R1-2M


B) Three sets for times of:

– 500m row

– 25 ring dips

– 20 toes to bar

Rest 4-5 minutes between sets


*Sub elevated push-ups if you feel they will work better than banded ring dips.

*Break reps as needed but go as fast as possible.

*Add times together for total time.


C) Accumulate 3 min in FLR from rings 2 inches off ground.


Thursday 9/1

A) E2MOM x 20 min (10 sets)

Sets 1-3: 3 high hang snatches @ 50-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 hang snatches @ 65-75%

Sets 7-10: 1 snatch @ 80-95%

Set 11: 1 snatch @ 101% (optional)


B) AMRAP in 12 min:

– 10 alternating DB snatches (45-75/15-40)

– 20 box jumps (24/20)

– 200m run


C) 3 sets:

– 10 bent over supinated barbell rows @ 2111

rest as needed


Friday 9/2

A) E2MOM x 16 min (8 sets)

– 2 (squat) cleans + 1 split jerk

*Start at 60% and build to 90%.


B) 5 sets, against a 60 second running clock, AMRAP of:

– 10 KB swings (70/53)

– max reps of thrusters (75/55)

Rest 60 seconds between sets.


Saturday 9/3

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

11am Intro To CrossFit


Sunday 9/4

8am Endurance

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets):

– 1 behind the neck split jerk + 1 split jerk

*Building from 65-85+%.


B) For time:

– 15 ground to overhead (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– 15 pull-ups

– 400m run

– 12 ground to overhead

– 12 pull-ups

– 400m run

– 9 ground to overhead

– 9 pull-ups

– 400m run