This week starts the beginning of the 2018 CrossFit Games! Watch the best CrossFit athletes from around the globe compete head to head from Wednesday 8/1 to Sunday 8/5. A list of the events is posted HERE for individuals, teams, masters, and teens. You can bet we will be streaming the games live at the gym!
Monday 7/30
A) E90S x 8 sets
– split jerk
Sets 1-3: 3 @ 65-75% w/ pause
Sets 4-5: 2 @ 80-90%
Sets 6-8: 1 @ 90+%
B) 2 rounds for time:
– 800m run
– 25 toes to bar
– 25 KB swings (53/35)
*RX+ use 70/44.
Tuesday 7/31
A) E2.5M x 6 sets:
– 4 front squats
*Heavier than last week’s 5s.
B) Every 3 minutes x 4-7 sets:
– 12/9 cal row
– 10 thrusters 95/65
– 8 bar facing burpees
*RX+ perform 15/12-12-9 reps.
*Scale reps if needed to leave time for rest each round.
Wednesday 8/1
A) EMOM x 4-6 sets
Station 1: 20 double unders + 8 pull-ups
Station 2: 8-10 dual DB hang clean and jerk (35/30-55/35ish)
Station 3: 6-10 box jumps + step down
Station 4: 200m run
Station 5: rest
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 3 TGUP / arm
– 8/side single leg DB/KB Romanian deadlifts
*If single leg isn’t attainable perform 10 regular RDLs.
Thursday 8/2
A) Every 2 minutes x 8 sets:
– 2 TnG squat cleans
*Work on efficient barbell cycling building heavier than last week’s 3s.
B) Every 4 min x 4-5 sets
– 250/200m row
– 15 wallballs (20/14)
– 7 power cleans (135/95)
Friday 8/3
A) E3M x 5 sets:
– 6 deadlifts
– 5-15 strict handstand push-ups
*Deadlifts should be around 75-82ish%. Focus on controlled TnG without bouncing the barbell.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– -45-60 sec earthquake bar hold
– 8/side weighted box step-ups
– 10 tough ring dips (banded or weighted)
– 10 supinated DB curls
Saturday 7/28
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym
Sunday 7/29
8am Endurance
10-12 Open gym