A) Every 75 seconds x 10 sets:
– 1 back squats @ 32X1 tempo

*Start at last week’s heaviest set of 2.


B) Every 3 minutes x 4-6 sets

– 250/200m row

– 12 wallballs

– 8 pull-ups

– 4 burpees over the rower

A) Every 3 minutes x 5 sets:

– 5-4-3-2-1 strict overhead press @ 2011

– 10 DB Romanian deadlifts @ 2011

*Build to a heavy single rep on press


B) 3 rounds for quality:

– 1-5 rope climbs or 1-5 laying to standing rope climb

– 8-10/side single arm DB overhead walking lunges

– 10 BB hip extensions w/ pause (building)

– 8/side single arm ring rows w/ reach


A) E2M x 8 sets:

– hang snatch + snatch

*Start with a weight that moves easily and build to something tough but snappy.

*Receive in the power position if overhead squat is lacking mobility.


B) For time:

– 30 alternating DB snatch (55/35)

– 30 box jump + step down (24/20”)

– 20 alternating DB snatch

– 20 box jump over

– 10 alternating DB snatch

– 10 burpee box jump over

A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5 bench press @ 32X1 tempo

– 8 supinated bent over barbell with pause at torso


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 250/200m row

– 12/9 hand release push-ups

– 15 RKB swings


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 supinated banded shoulder external rotations

– 10 BB standing curls


Programming Overview: Sept. 25-30

Screenshot 2018-09-25 at 2.50.30 PM Screenshot 2018-09-25 at 2.49.47 PM

Congrats to both of our teams who went down to Taylor, TX and competed in the Killswitch Team Competition. Our RX team even took home 3rd place! Well done everyone!

It’s going down this Saturday!

In honor of our 7th birthday we are putting on an in-house partner mini competition we are calling the East Dallas Throwdown. The competition will take place this Saturday, September 29th, from 8-11:00ish. There will be three WODs. Two will be released beforehand (check out Instagram feed) while one will be kept a secret for the day of the competition.

Partners will need to be teams of two of either male/male or female/female. The competition is free and we will have 7th anniversary shirts for sale too! Have a partner already locked down? Please register by completing both of the following steps below:

  1. Sign up for the competition through Zen Planner by going HERE.
  2. Input both you and your partner’s names, your team name, and your preferred division HERE.

A note about divisions. RX won’t be anything crazy but you must be able to complete kipping pull-ups, 95/65lb thrusters, 185/125 deadlifts, 24/20″ box jumps. If you can’t then please hop in with the scaled division. We will also have a masters division!

Oh and we are heading to Bryan Street Tavern afterwards for food, drinks, football watching, and volleyball from 12-2pm. Can’t make the competition? Join us afterwards!


Monday 9/24

A) Every 90 seconds x 9 sets:
– 2 back squats @ 32X1 tempo

*Start at last week’s heaviest set of 3.


B) EMOM x 4-7 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 10 double KB front rack reverse lunges

3: 20 double unders + 4-8 toes to bar


*Use a weight for lunges so that 10 reps are stable but tough.

*RX+ row 15/12 cal.


Tuesday 9/25

A) Every 45 seconds x 16 sets

– 1 power clean @ 80-90%


B) Every 5 minutes x 3-4 sets:

– 400m run

– 10 deadlifts (225/155, 205/145, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)

– 10 pull-ups

– 10 burpees over the bar


RX+ use 275/185 and perform 8 CTB pull-ups.



A) Every 90 sec x 8 sets (4 each)

Station 1: 8/side single leg step ups (weighted if able)

Station 2: 8/side single arm DB half kneeling press


B) Every 5 minutes x 3-4 sets:

– 400m run or 400/350m row

– 10 KB deadlifts

– 8 pull-ups

– 6 burpees


*KB deadlifts should be at a weight heavier than your typical swing.


Wednesday 9/26

A) E3MOM x 5 sets:

– 5 bench press @ 32X1 tempo

– 8 supinated bent over barbell with pause at torso


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 250/200m row

– 12/9 hand release push-ups

– 15 RKB swings


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 supinated banded shoulder external rotations

– 10 BB standing curls


Thursday 9/27

A) E2M x 8 sets:

– hang snatch + snatch

*Start with a weight that moves easily and build to something tough but snappy.

*Receive in the power position if overhead squat is lacking mobility.


B) For time:

– 30 alternating DB snatch (55/35)

– 30 box jump + step down (24/20”)

– 20 alternating DB snatch

– 20 box jump over

– 10 alternating DB snatch

– 10 burpee box jump over



A) E2M x 8 sets:

– 5 deadlifts

– 3 hang power clean

– 1 shoulder to overhead


B) For time:

– 250/200m row

– 30 RKB swings

– 30 box step ups

– 250/200m row

– 20 RKB swings

– 20 box step ups

– 250/200m row

– 10 RKB swings

– 10 box step ups


Friday 9/28

A) Every 3 minutes x 5 sets:

– 5-4-3-2-1 strict overhead press @ 2011

– 10 DB Romanian deadlifts @ 2011

*Build to a heavy single rep on press


B) 3 rounds for quality:

– 1-5 rope climbs or 1-5 laying to standing rope climb

– 8-10/side single arm DB overhead walking lunges

– 10 BB hip extensions w/ pause (building)

– 8/side single arm ring rows w/ reach



Saturday 9/29

8-11am East Dallas Throwdown


Sunday 9/30

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym

A) Every 45 seconds x 16 sets

– 1 power clean @ 80-90%


B) Every 5 minutes x 3-4 sets:

– 400m run

– 10 deadlifts (225/155, 205/145, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75)

– 10 pull-ups

– 10 burpees over the bar


RX+ use 275/185 and perform 8 CTB pull-ups.

A) Every 90 seconds x 9 sets:
– 2 back squats @ 32X1 tempo

*Start at last week’s heaviest set of 3.


B) EMOM x 4-7 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 10 double KB front rack reverse lunges

3: 20 double unders + 4-8 toes to bar


*Use a weight for lunges so that 10 reps are stable but tough.

*RX+ row 15/12 cal.

EMOM x 10 min

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 10-20 wallballs (20/14)


EMOM x 10 min

1: 5-10 burpees to target

2: 5/side DB hang clean & jerk + 5 toes to bar


EMOM x 10 min

1: 6-10 box jumps w/ step down (24/20″)

2: 10-15 KB swings (53/35)