
A) E2M x 6 sets (3 each)

Station 1:

– 8/side front foot elevated split squats

*Heavier than last week.

Station 2:

– 8-12 DB bench press

– 12 Russian medball twists

B) E2M x 6-10 sets:

– 12/9 cal row

– 6 DB hang squat cleans


A) E2M x 6 sets

– 1 1&¼ front squat + 1 front squats @ 75-80%

*Tempo on first squat is 3 sec down with 1 sec pause at ¼.

*Heavier than 3/19.

B) E2M x 6-10 sets:

– 15/12 cal row

– 5 TnG squat cleans

*Pick weight to keep challenging but UB.

*RX+ perform 20/15 cal row.