A) EMOM x 6 min (3 sets)

(1 snatch grip behind the neck push press + 1 overhead squat) x 2-3 reps

B) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets)

– snatch from floor w/ 2 second pause at knee

*Work to a tough weight. If you aren’t comfortable at the bottom of the snatch receiving position, then work to a depth you can manage.

C) 3 rounds not for time:

– BB elevated hip extensions x 8-10 @20X1

– Side shuffle sled drag down and back

– 30 sec earthquake bar hold (heavier or longer than last week)


Competing in BB&HB? There will be some alternate work for you to do. This will mostly consist of some light cardio and mobility.


*No evening classes as we prep for Barbells & Handlebars 2015! We would love your support. Each spectator ticket comes with a drink ticket. They are more at the door so buy them HERE.