July Athlete Of The Month: Darby Chalko

Darby has been with us a little over a year now and has really re-found her inner athlete. She is a joy to coach and always walks in to the morning class with a smile. We love having you, Darby, and would like to thank you for the continued support. We can’t wait to see you get to that next level!
1. When did you join EDCF?  How did you find the gym?  What was your first impression or how did that first workout go? 
I joined EDCF in April of 2014. I had just had a baby a couple months before, tried all sorts of gyms, trainers, and fad diets and none of them seemed to be working for me. I was ready to get back in the action and I really wanted to find something that would stick. I was hesitant to try CF due to all of the weird press and stories but at the urging of my brother, Shawn, and sister in law, Jordan, I decided to give CrossFit a try. I figured if they could do it and love it, then why couldn’t I? My first impression on the first day, was ‘oh crap…what did I get myself into?’  I remember we ran a lot and did pullups…Neither of which are my strong suite. I’m still not great at either, but it is getting easier!
2. What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time? 
You’ll see me at least 4 times a week at the 5:30 am class with my sister Kelsey, Elizabeth and Emily. Most people think we’re insane for getting up that early but it’s actually pretty easy after you get used to it. Usually I don’t wake up until about halfway through the workout and then you’re almost done!
3. Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/husband/bf/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?
Outside of the gym I’m a wife, mother, full time employee and sports enthusiast! I’m a UT alum and I bleed orange. I just started a new job as a Project Manager at Robert Half/The Creative Group and I have an almost two year old, Greer, who definitely keeps my husband, Donald, and I on our toes! When we have time we love going to Rangers games, Mavs game, Stars games…Pretty much any type of Dallas sports games!
4. What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?
I love the people and sense of community at EDCF. It’s great walking into a place where everyone supports each other, pushes each other and respects each other. There’s no better feeling than hitting a goal and knowing you got there with the help and support of your EDCF buds. Yeah, yeah it sounds corny, but I love my EDCF family!
5. What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?
I love anything with weights. My favorites are back squats and deadlifts! I’m not so much a fan of the running…but at least I don’t dread it like I used to! My goals for the short and long term are the same: Get the dang pull up down. I swear I’m going to get it in the next 5 or so years 🙂