April Athlete Of The Month: Kristen Janssen


Kristen, or “KJ” as she is known around the gym, has been with us for a while now. We know she hates being spotlighted but we just had to do it. Simply put, KJ is tough. She is resilient and keeps coming back for more workout after workout. She competed in her first CrossFit competition just this past November and hopefully we will see her in more in the future. Thanks for all the support KJ, we want that first pull-up as bad as you do!

1. When did you join EDCF?  How did you find the gym?  What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?

Prior to joining East Dallas CrossFit I was a spin class junkie living in Uptown. Yes, I was one of those people and I loved it. When I finally made the move over to East Dallas I wanted to find a gym in the area. By the way, there aren’t many gyms in East Dallas. I wanted to add some weightlifting to my routine, but knew I wouldn’t do it on my own and would need something a little more structured.

I reached out to a friend who is always trying new fitness programs. After all she was the person that got me into spinning. She suggested looking into her latest obsession, CrossFit. So, I pulled up YouTube. My first thought… “This is ridiculous!?!” Handstand walks?! Flying like monkeys on pull up bars?! I failed the Presidential Fitness Challenge back in 5th grade I’m pretty sure I can’t do any of this. But, I’ll try anything once. So, I signed up.

I never attended a free Saturday workout. I walked right into the elements class and it was about as awful as I thought it would be. Three years later I still can’t do a dang pull-up, but I’m still here and for some reason I keep coming back for more.

2. What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time?

You will typically find me at the late class. I hate mornings, which is why you will never see me on the weekends. When I first joined the gym the other two folks in my elements class worked with Bryan Perkins, so it was only natural that I got to know him and Jill. Bryan and Jill also went to the late class, and that’s when I like to say we became friends. That and the fact they like pizza and cocktails just as much as I do.

3. Tell us a little about yourself. What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym?

My life outside the gym… I love cheese. I’ve never had a “bad” bottle of wine. I like to cook and would secretly love to be a chef for a day. I sit at a desk from 8 to 5 and enjoy my job as brand manager at a local health system, but I’ll spare you the details. I like to ride my bicycle. I rode my first Hotter n’ Hell in 2011, the hottest year on record. It was 109 degrees out, but it didn’t stop me from drinking a few beers at mile 98. Apparently I’ve never had “bad” beer either. I’m also a member of the Brew Crew, “a drinking group that has a cycling problem.” We raise a bunch of money for different causes, like MS and Rise Adaptive Sports. This May will be my 4th time to ride in the MS150 and I’m looking forward to finishing with fellow EDCF member and first-time rider, Christina.

4. What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?

I love the community of our gym. I love that everyone is always encouraging others to lift a little bigger or move a little faster. Actually they are usually encouraging me because I’m typically last, but I’m fine with that.

5. What is your favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?

My short-term goal is basically to stay alive during any workout. I enjoy attempting any type of lift, exercise, or warm-up minus the bear crawl. That is where I draw the line. As for my long-term goal, I want to get that dang pull-up. And to of course maintain a healthy lifestyle, and all that other stuff I should say here. But really, it’s just to do one pull-up. That’s it.
