Member Of The Month: Ashley Douglas

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We are pleased to announce Ashley Douglas as your Athlete Of The Month for June. Ashley has been with us a little over a year but has really picked it up in the last 3-4 months. Ashley can always be found with a couple of other nooners working on skills before or after class. She sets goals and she meets them. Recently she has conquered the kipping pull-up and has continued to add weight to all of the major lifts. She is a constant motivator and makes coaching the noon class a daily pleasure. Congratulations Ashley! Find out more about Ashley below..

1. When did you join EDCF? How did you find the gym? What was your first impression or how did that first workout go? I joined EDCF in July of last year (my one year anniversary is approaching!) and I joined because one of my friends was joining. I was looking into CrossFit prior to that, but hadn’t committed to anything yet until she forced me to try EDCF. Honestly, that first workout was BRUTAL. I remember thinking, “there’s no way I can do this. I’m not in shape enough for CrossFit.” The first workout I have recorded in my journal had a 20 minute cap, and I finished in 19:50…one of the main reasons I came back was because of the class members; they cheered me on for several minutes after they were already done. Rockstars!

2. What class time do you attend the most, are there any regular members you work out with at that time? Yes, I go to the noon class Monday-Friday. The members that I workout with that attend regularly during that time are Brent, Leigh-Anne, and Jake. Brent is my positive reinforcer. Leigh-Anne is my best “CrossFit buddy” and biggest/best competition. Jake is the guy that says ‘oh, you’re doing 35? Try the 44.’ All of us also push each other outside of CrossFit, running or paddle boarding around White Rock Lake. They’ve become some of my best friends, and I wouldn’t have had the same experiences without them.

3. Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/pets/husband/bf/partner? What is your favorite hobby outside the gym? I am a Sales Representative for a cheerleading company called Varsity. I also coach cheerleading at Jesuit in Dallas. I am the oldest of 9 siblings, 3 of which live in the Dallas area. One of my younger brothers is in the Navy and is stationed in Hawaii, but he’ll be living in Dallas by Christmas. No boyfriend yet, but I’m single and ready to mingle! My favorite hobbies outside of the gym are reading (anything and everything), working out, cooking (I’m a fantastic chef), and hanging out with my friends and family. I’m a wine aficionado, sports enthusiast, music fiend, great friend, and a lover of all things life-altering.

4. What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back? Why do I love CrossFit? A simpler question would be “why DON’T I love CrossFit?” My friends actually make fun of me, loosely quoting Fight Club saying that “the first rule of CrossFit is to talk about CrossFit.” I fell in love with the CrossFit culture. The people that I workout with are exceptional, inside and outside of the gym. I had a lot of pre-existing injuries coming into CrossFit because of years of cheerleading (two knee surgeries, a torn shoulder, sprained ankles, and an additional 20 pounds of cookies). CrossFit was the BEST thing that I ever did for my body. It made me strong in ways that I didn’t know I was capable of. In addition, Ryan is the instructor that I interact with the most, and he is an exceptional motivator. He always pushes me to be my best self, and I am eternally grateful for his guidance.

5. What is you favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals? My favorite lifts/exercises are Power Cleans and HB Back Squats. A recent addition to the favorite list is Kipping Pull-Ups (finally got them down!). Next exercises to check off the list are double unders and [heavy] overhead squats. A LONG-TERM goal of mine is to compete in the CrossFit Games. Dare to dream! I believe that EDCF can make that dream come to fruition.