Birthday Weekend Hangover


Saturday was a blast! I think we had over 60 people participate in the workout from. Everyone from teenagers to our masters in their 60s were taking part, sweating, and feasting together! What a better way to celebrate being two years old than to have our entire community in the same place at the same time. The food and conversation afterwards were excellent. Thanks to everyone who came out to help us celebrate.


As for Saturday, I only have one regret. I would like to consider myself a better coach than a speech giver. I’ve gotten a little better since my speech class in college, but not much. Looking back on Saturday, I failed to bring up a couple of people who have helped mold EDCF into the place it is today…

First and foremost, I would like to thank Ben and Chase, EDCF’s other two owners. These guys are the backbone of this gym and run everything behind the scenes from finances to website maintenance. This gym would not exist without them. I would also like to thank Trevor, Chris, and Jacob for being awesome trainers, always willing to learn and be there for the gym even with their busy schedules. I would like to thank my parents, Rick and Marcia, for supporting this place from the moment it was just an idea. I would like to thank those of you who have been with us from the very beginning… Mason, Jen H. Shawn, Jordan, Adam, Charles, Emily, Elizabeth, Robin, Pam, Alan, Luke, Scott, Kristen L., Fernando, Susan, Tom and whoever else I have failed to mention. I would also like to thank Bryan and Jill Perkins for being more than members and contributing so much time and energy into the events over the past two years. I would like to thank Dennis and Vickie Hetrick for their unwavering support of this place. I would like to thank our two chefs, Clint and Charles, for helping with the set-up on Saturday. And lastly, I would like to thank everyone who has been a part of the gym, one way or another, throughout the past two years. I has been one heck of a journey, from days with no power and hardly any equipment to being over 100 strong with a great community. Thank you all!