A.) 5x 1 Power Snatch + 2 Snatch Balance + 3 – moderate weight; rest 1 mi

B1.) 4x 5 Thruster + 5 Push Press; rest 2 min

B2.) Ring Rows @ 2020; 10-15 x 4; rest 2 min
C) Side Bridges – 30 sec/side x 3/side

A) EMOM for 8 min:
– 5 TnG Push Jerks


B) EMOM for 10 min:
– 3 TnG Power Cleans


C) 50 Later Over the Bar Burpees for time

A) 7×1 3-Position Snatch (floor, knee, high hang) – rest 1-2 min


B) 4×3 Snatch first pull (3 sec pause above knee) – rest 1 min


C) Tabata bottom to bottom squats + 400m run for time
– 8 rounds of 20 sec of work and 10 sec of rest. Rest is held in the bottom position of the air squat. Full depth and extension are required. After the 8th round, immediately run your 400. To Score: Subtract lowest scored squat round from total seconds it takes to run 400m.