High Quality H20

The FLR by Troy

Are you drinking enough water? Summer has started and it is HOT! Plan to start and end your day with water. Even when sleeping, your body loses water. Drinking a glass of water when you first wake up and last thing before you go to bed can help balance what you lose while sleeping. Also, your body loses water during the day when you perspire, urinate and breathe. If you are more active or are working/exercising in a hot or humid environment, you will need to replenish lost fluids: don’t underestimate the amount of fluids you lose from perspiration. In one hour of exercise your body can lose more than a quart of water, dependent upon exercise intensity and air temperature. Therefore, you should drink before, during and after exercising. For most workouts water is the best fluid replacement, but electrolytes also need to be replenished. Pick up a coconut water or a small fruit juice next time you leave the gym or have a cold one sitting in your fridge. These will also help raise lower blood sugar levels immediately post workout.