The Second Annual 300 Challenge


Floor wipers courtesy of Bryan P.

EDCF is proud to announce our second annual 300 Challenge on Saturday, July 13th. The 300 Challenge is a WOD for all levels and will include beginner, intermediate, and elite (as rx’d) divisions with standard scaling options for each. We will be limiting participation to only EDCF athletes and expect each and every one of you to participate. This year will no doubt be bigger and better than last year’s event so don’t miss out! The WOD is as follows:

For time:

25 Pull-Ups
50 Deadlifts 135/95#
50 Push-Ups
50 Box Jumps 24/20″
50 Floor Wipers
50 KB Clean and Press 35/25#
25 Pull-Ups

* 20 minute cut-off

50 Push-Ups

The WOD will run in 3 or 4 different heats with elite, intermediate, and beginner athletes. We will try to start right at 9am and really make an event out of it. Hope everyone can attend!!