Specialty Classes

ECDF is proud to offer a variety of specialty classes outside of our regular class schedule.

  • Olympic Lifting – The goal of this class is to teach others the technical proficiency of the olympic lifts, focusing on the snatch and clean & jerk. Feel like this is one of your weaknesses or would just like to focus more on the two lifts? Then this class is for you whether you are fresh from the CF Prep Course or a seasoned EDCF veteran. These classes are offered Wednesday evenings at 7:30PM and Saturday mornings at 8:00AM. 

East Dallas CrossFit - Barbells and Handlebars (180)

  • Endurance – LIke Olympic Lifting, our new Endurance class is meant to supplement and enhance your experience in the regular classes at EDCF. Would you like to train for a 5K, 10K, 1/2 or full marathon? Or would you just like to work on your cardiovascular endurance? Come join Coach Ben on Sundays at 11am for a variety of stamina and endurance drills to help you reach your goals.