Holiday Active Rest And Recovery

East Dallas CrossFit - Barbells and Handlebars (175)

We hope that everyone is enjoying their holidays as much as we are. If you are taking a rest this week or traveling, be sure to stretch, hydrate, and keep moving (run, row, bike, swim). Also take this time to relax and think about some goals for the new year. There will be a new white board up containing everyone’s goals for the new year. I would like you to post at least two!

Schedule for the remainder of this week and next week:

Thursday: 10:30am & 6:30pm

Friday: 10:30am & 6:30pm

Saturday: 9am Masters (ages 50+) & 10am regular CrossFit

Monday (New Year’s Eve): open gym from 10am-12pm

Tuesday (New Year’s Day): closed

Wednesday: regular schedule