Paleo 30 Day Wrap-Up

John with front pause squats.

Congratulations goes out to Shawn for winning the Paleo 30 Day Challenge. Shawn didn’t have even one cheat meal and came up to the gym five times per week for full points (or did outside workouts). He won a $60 giftcard to Lululemon for being a badass.

On another note, a big congratulations goes out to Jill. As of September 1st, Jill has been cigarette-free for an official year. This is a big accomplishment! Jill is at the gym 4-5 times per week with her husband Bryan and always gives it everything she has. She even sometimes goes for runs around the neighborhood after WODs. I want to personally thank Jill for all she has done for the community here at EDCF.