Olympic Lifting: The Hook Grip

As CrossFit athletes, grip strength is a key area of focus when lifting heavy. The traditional grip, while more comfy and natural, is highly susceptible to fatigue. Releasing tension on the forearm muscles, helping keep the arms straight through extension of the hips, and preserving grip are just a few of the positives from the “hook grip”. The grip is also much more secure than your standard grip in lifts like the snatch, clean, and deadlift. The next time you run across one of these lifts, try incorporating the hook grip.

The correct hook grip method is:

Start by stretching the thumb and index finger as far apart as you can so that the skin between the two fingers is tight. With the elbow in a straight and locked position press the skin between the thumb and index finger against the bar. The result of this action will cause the two fingers to move together and your grip to tighten. With pressure still being applied to the bar wrap the thumb around the bar. Reach your index and middle finder over the bar, grabbing the bar and thumb at the same time. Your grip should now be locked in the hook position. The grip should be only used in the “pulling phase” of the lift. Once the bar is in the front rack position or overhead, the grip should be released.