A) Power clean cluster TnG 3. 3. 3; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3 sets

B) Power clean and Jerk TnG (if able) into the jerk 1 rep every 20sec for 4-5mins 73% of A


90% effort keep track of reps for each set

30sec max KBS 1.5/1pd


30sec max box jumps – SD (24/20”)


30sec max Row cals

rest 60sec x 4-5 sets


reserve a class

10mins 85% effort:

– 25 DU

– 5 DB front rack forward lunge R and L + push press (moderately tough)

– 7 ring rows

rest 3mins


10min 85% effort:

– Row 150m

–  DB snatch alternating (tough)

– 5 burpees to plate

rest walk 3mins


10mins 85% effort:

– AD 20cals

– FW 50m (tough)

– 10 situps


A) Back squat cluster 1.1.1 x 4; R20S/3M

B) EMOM – 12-14 mins

Even – 8 CTB chin ups

Odd – 5 heavy thrusters (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)


*Same weight as last week on thrusters.

A1) Close grip bench press 2-3×4 sets @ 30X1; R20S

A2) Bent over DB row 12-15/side moderately heavy x4 sets; R2M

B) Build to a 1RM broad jump in 5 attempts

C) EMOM x 18 min

Min 1: 4-8 HSPU w/ 3” deficit (on 35’s)

Min 2: 10 goblet squats (heavy)

Min 3: 4-8 T2B


A) Build to a tough squat clean in 20 min


14min amrap/cap

– Row 60cals

– 50 wall balls (20/14)

– 40 box jump sd 24″

– 30 burpees

– 20 heavy power cleans (225/155, 185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65)


A) Press cluster TnG 2.2.2 R10S/3M x 3 sets (build from 65-80%)

B) EMOM x 10 min

E: 5-10 ring dips

O: 2-3 weighted pull-ups

C) EMOM x 10 min

E: 12 KB swings (heavy)

O: 12 walking lunges


A) EMOM x 8 min

– 4 TnG hang power snatches (tough, build if able)


3 sets @ 90%:

– 400 m run

– 10 DB snatches alt. (tough but UB)

– 8 Burpee over the box jumps 24/20”



A) Back squat cluster 2.2.2 x 4; R20S/3M

B) EMOM – 10 mins

Even – 8 CTB chin ups

Odd – 5 heavy thrusters (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

C) EMOM – 10 mins

Even – 25 double unders

Odd – 6-10 burpees AFAP