Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 8/side SL wall assisted KB Romanian deadlifts

– 8-12 DB incline press @ 3011 tempo

– 8-12 tough ring rows

*Scale RDLs w/ foot on floor (kickstand style)


B) E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 400m run (sub 1000/800m bike)

– 15 UB RKB swings

– 10 push-ups


B) E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 400m run (sub 1000/800m bike)

– 20 UB RKB swings (53/35)

– 15/12 push-ups

RX+ complete with 70/44 KB and/or 10/7 HSPUs

reserve a class


A) E2M x 8 sets


– 8-12 BB strict overhead presses

– 8-12/side half kneeling banded high row w/ side bend (L)


– 8 heavy goblet squats w/ pause

– 8-12/side half kneeling banded high row w/ side bend (R)

B) E3M x 5-8 sets

– 12/9 cal row

– 9-12 wallballs

– 3 up/down DB devil presses 


A) E2M x 8 sets:

– 3 hang power snatch

*No press outs! Work on pulling yourself under the barbell

B) E3M x 5-8 sets

– 15/12 cal row

– 12 wallballs (20/14)

– 3 DB devil presses (35/20s)


100 single under buy-in


6 rounds with a partner:

– 12/9 cal row

– 12 SA DB hang power cleans (6/ide)

– 9-12 push-ups


6 rounds with a partner:

– 12/9cal row

– 9 goblet squats

– 6-9 strict pull-ups


50 up/down buy-out

*Alternate each movement.


100 double under buy-in


6 rounds with a partner:

– 15/12 cal row

– 9 hang power cleans (115/75, 95/65, 75/55)

– 12/9 push-ups


6 rounds with a partner:

– 15/12 cal row

– 9 front squats

– 9 pull-ups


50 burpee over the barbell buy-out

*Alternate each movement.

RX+ perform 3-6 bMUs instead of pull-ups

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 8-12 1&¼ DB bench press (pause on ¼ rep)

– 2-4 negative OR 4-8 weighted supinated pull-ups

– 8-12 BB hip thrusts off bench w/ pause

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 10-20 DB tricep rollback tricep extensions

– 10 seated plate delt front raise bus drivers

– 10 hamstring curls

– 10/side SA DB preacher curls (bench propped up on leg)


B) Hyrox Prep

3 rounds for time:

– 200m run (each round) then,

30-20-10 reps of:

– Row cals

– Burpees

– Sandbag lunges (scale unweighted)


A) E2.75M x 6 sets:
– 4 BB back or box squats @ 3111 tempo

– 10/side half kneeling SA DB overhead press

– 10 ring rows

B) E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 400m run

– 15 UB wallballs 

– 5 up/dpwn DB devil presses

*Scale to 300m run if needed


A) E2.75M x 6 sets:
– 4 back squats @ 3111 tempo

*start conservative and build 

B) E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 400m run

– 20 UB wallballs (20/14)

– 5 DB devil presses (35/20s)


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5 push press

After odd sets…

– 5 DB gorilla rows w/ 5 count pause

After even sets…

– 10 banded Spanish squats

B) E90S x 10-15 sets:

– 20 single unders

– 5 DB hang power cleans

– 4 shoulder to overhead

– 3 burpees over the barbell

*Scale up with reps of 25-5-5-5


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 5 push press

*Build to a tough but fluid set of 5.

B) E90S x 10-15 sets:

– 20 double unders

– 5 hang power cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– 4 shoulder to overhead

– 3 burpees over the barbell

*RX+ complete with reps of 25-5-5-5


E5M x 6-10 sets (3-5 each)

Station 1:

– 400m row

– 8-12 DB or regular box step overs 

– 8 toes to bar

Station 2:

– 400m run or 1000/800m bike

– 12 alt. hang DB snatches

– 8-12 dips


E5M x 6-10 sets (3-5 each)

Station 1:

– 500/400m row

– 12 DB box step overs (50/35 to 20/16”)

– 8 toes to bar

Station 2:

– 400m run or 1000/800m bike

– 16 alt. hang DB snatches

– 8-12 ring dips

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 8/side SL wall assisted KB Romanian deadlifts

– 8-12 DB incline press @ 3011 tempo

– 8-12 tough ring rows

*Scale RDLs w/ foot on floor (kickstand style)


B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd: 12/9 cal row + 10-15 RKB swings

Even: 12/9 cal row + 6 strict pull-ups + 8 push-ups + 10 air squats


B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd: 15/12 cal row + 15 RKB swings (53/35)

Even: 15/12 cal row + 6 pull-ups + 9/7 push-ups + 12 air squats