
2 rounds (6 total sets)…

5 min AMRAP

– 400m run, then in remaining time:

  • 8 alt. DB hang power clean (4/4)
  • 4 up/downs


5 min AMRAP

– 500/400m row, then in remaining time:

  • 8 wallballs 
  • 16 single unders


5 min AMRAP

– 400m run, then in remaining time:

  • 4 hanging knee raise
  • 8 push-ups


*switch the runs and the rows the second time through


2 rounds (6 total sets)…

5 min AMRAP

– 400m run, then in remaining time:

  • 8 alt. DB hang power clean (4/4 @ 50/35)
  • 4 up/downs


5 min AMRAP

– 500/400m row, then in remaining time:

  • 8 wallballs (20/14)
  • 16 double unders


5 min AMRAP

– 400m run, then in remaining time:

  • 4 toes to bar
  • 8 push-ups


*switch the runs and the rows the second time through


A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 9-7-5-3-1-1 deadlifts

After odd sets: 8-12 DB incline press

After even sets: 8-12 KB chest supported incline rows

*Compare to 8/15

B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:

– 3-4 double KB deadlifts 

– 3-4 dips

– 3-4 box step-overs


A) E3M x 6 sets – deadlifts

Set 1: 5 @ 65-70%

Sets 2: 2-3 @ 75-80%

Sets 3-6: 1 @ 90-90+%

*Compare to 8/15

B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:

– 3 deadlifts @ 60-65% of A

– 3 ring dips

– 3 box jump overs (24/20”)


A) E2MOM x 8 sets (4 each)

Odd sets:

– 8-12 BB/DBs strict overhead press

– 8/side KB front rack contralateral box step-up (L)

Even sets:

– 4-6 DB batwing rows w/ 4 sec pause 

– 8/side KB front rack contralateral box step-up (R)

*Start box step-ups on non-dominant side.

B) E2MOM x 8-12 sets total (4-6 each):

Station 1:

– 200m row

– 9 DB push press

Station 2:

– 200m row

– 12 RKB swings


A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

Sets 1-4: 2 triple pause split jerk

Sets 5-8: 2 split jerk

*Stay below 80% and work on speed and technique

B) E2MOM x 8-12 sets total (4-6 each):

Station 1:

– 250/200m row

– 9 shoulder to overhead (95/65, 75/55)

Station 2:

– 250/200m row

– 12 RKB swings (53/35)

RX+ use 115/75 & 70/44


E2M x 3-4 sets

1: 400/320m row

2: 12 wallballs + 10 pull-ups + 8 push ups

3: 8 double DB hang power cleans + 10 alt. reverse lunges + 12 sit-ups

4: 200m run (scale to hill run)

5: rest 


E2M x 3-4 sets

1: 500/400m row

2: 15 wallballs (20/14) + 12 pull-ups + 9 push ups

3: 9 hang power cleans (95/65) + 12 alt. front rack reverse lunges + 15 sit-ups

4: 200m run

5: rest

RX+: CTB pull-ups & 115/75 BB

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– Bench press

  • Fitness: 4-8 reps
  • Performance: 1 RIR @ 75%

– 8-12/side bent over DB row

– 4/side prone quadruped lateral raise w/ 4 sec hold (2.5-5#)

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8-12 DB Romanian deadlifts @ 3011 tempo

– 12-16 DB skull crushers

– 8-12 BB bent over rows

– 12-16 alt. SL hanging knee raises

*RDLs heavier than last week


Conditioning Option

5-8 rounds:

– 500m row, 400m run, 1000m AB, or 350m ski

R60S (less rest than last week!)

*Shoot to keep all sets +/- 3 sec from your first at 90% pace

*Goal is to complete same number as last week with same average pace


A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 8-12 front squats (BB or double KB)

– 12-16 DB floor press

– 8-12/side half kneeling banded high row

*Heavier than last week.

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 400m row

– 12 DB walking lunges

– 9 push-ups



A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 8-10 front squats @ 55-60%

*Heavier than last week.

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 500/400m row

– 12 DB walking lunges (35/25s)

– 12/9 HR push-ups


$RX+ perform w/ 53/35s & 8 HSPUs


A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 10-8-6-4-2-2 deadlifts

After odd sets: 8-12 DB incline press

After even sets: 8-12 KB chest supported incline rows

*Compare to 8/5

B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 2 DB snatches

– 2 goblet hold/prisoner reverse lunges

– 2 push-ups

– 20 single unders

*Increase all movements by 2 reps each set (except SUs).


A) E3M x 6 sets – deadlifts

Set 1: 5 @ 65%

Sets 2: 3 @ 75%

Sets 3-6: 1-2 @ 85-90%

*Compare to 8/5

B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 2 DB snatches (50/35)

– 2 goblet hold reverse lunges

– 2 push-ups

– 20 double unders

*Increase all movements by 2 reps each set (except DUs).


A) E2M x 6 sets

Even sets:

– 8 front foot elevated split squats R

– 8-12 tall kneeling banded lat pull-down

Odd sets:

– 8 front foot elevated split squats L

– 8-12 tough push-ups or dips

*Compare to 8/3


A) E2M x 6 sets:

– 1 power clean + push jerk

*Compare to 8/3

B) Fitness & Performance

Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 8-12 DB Romanian deadlifts @ 3011 tempo

– 8-12 BB Bradford presses (over and back = 1)

– 8-12/side bent over KB rows

– 8-12 pike leg lift overs (over and back = 1)


Conditioning Option

5-8 rounds:

– 500m row, 400m run, 1000m AB, or 350m ski

R75S (less rest than last week!)

*Shoot to keep all sets +/- 3 sec from your first at 90% pace

*Goal is to complete same number as last week with same average pace