A) Deadlift
5×75%; R3M
3×85%; R3M
B) 3 max handstand holds for total time; R90S
30 or 50 HSPU for time (retest from 2/9)
C) EMOM x 10 min
E: 5 TnG Deadlifts @ 60% + 5 burpees over the bar
O: Row 12/9 cal
A) Deadlift
5×75%; R3M
3×85%; R3M
B) 3 max handstand holds for total time; R90S
30 or 50 HSPU for time (retest from 2/9)
C) EMOM x 10 min
E: 5 TnG Deadlifts @ 60% + 5 burpees over the bar
O: Row 12/9 cal
4-6 sets increase pace per set:
– 20/15 cal row
– 5 squat cleans @65% 1RM
– 5 box jump-SD (30/24”)
– 10 T2B
– 30 DU
rest walk 5-6 mins
A1) TnG push press cluster 2.2.2; R10S/30S
A2) 5-10 UB CTB pull ups; R30S
A3) Pendlay row 5-10 reps @ 20X0 (70% 1RM bench press); rest 3min x 3 sets
12 min AMRAP at open pace:
– 6/4 strict pull-ups
– 8 S2O @ (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
– 10 deadlifts
– 200 m run
A) Front squat 2,2,2,2,2; R3M (compare to 2/5)
*warm up OHS position and practice snatch during rest
B) 10 min EMOM
– 1 power snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 hang squat snatch
(build to moderate weight/perfect form)
3 sets not for time:
– 10 Good mornings @ 30X1 (moderate load/perfect form)
– 20 Double KB/DB front rack walking lunge steps
5-6 sets building
1 push press + 1 push jerk + 2 split jerk (building heavier than 2/11)
Row 400 at 80%
Row 400 at 90%
Row 400 at 97%
R5M x 2 sets
A) Deadlift –
3×80%; R3M
3×85%; R3M
*During your 3 minutes of rest practice handstand holds OR complete HSPU of varying difficulty x 10 reps OR partner HSPU negatives x 3-5 reps.
B) EMOM x 12 min
E: Power clean Tng x 5 – (155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65) + burpee over bar x 3
O: *25 double unders (50 single unders)
C) 30 KB or sandbag get ups (53/35 or 60/30 respectively); NOT for time
*Don’t exceed 40 seconds on double or single unders
Friday 2/13/15
A) Build to a tough thruster off the rack in 5-6 attempts
Open workout 14.5
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
– Thrusters (95/65)
– Burpees (bar facing)
*30 min cut-off
A) EMOM x 3mins – TnG power snatch x 5
B) EMOM x 3mins – TnG power snatch x 4
C) EMOM x 3mins – TnG power snatch x 3
*Goal is to start A where you’ve worked previous EMOMs and build.
20min amrap
– Row 500m
– 15 KB swings (53/35)
– 10 sit-ups
– 5 muscle ups (sub 7 CTB/regular pull-ups)
*goal is to maintain consistent throughout 20 min