A) E2MOM x 20 min (10 sets)
– 1 (squat) clean & (split) jerk
*start at 65% and build to something heavy. Goal is to have no misses.

B) Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
– 5 TnG Power cleans (185/125, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 6-10 Burpees Over the Barbell
*Choose a weight so that all sets of power cleans are UB.
*Focus on breathing rate through sets and not redlining.

A) EMOM x 12 min

1: Tempo back squat 4-5 reps @ 32X1 (start @ 65%)

2: 8-10 ring rows @ 30X1 (as horizontal as possible)

3: rest and increase load if able


B) Every 5 min x 20 min (4 sets):

– 400m run

– 10 CTB pull-ups

– 10-15 ring dips


– 3-5 muscle ups


A) E2MOM x 12 min

– 3 Overhead squats @ 32X1

*Work on depth and form (mobility) before adding weight. Build to a heavy 3 if possible.


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 5 power snatches (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– 10 front rack reverse lunges

– 200 m run

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
– 5 Thrusters (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 10 Power Cleans
– 15 Pull-Ups
Rest 4 minutes, and then…

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
– 20 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
– 30 Walking Lunge Steps
– 40 Double-Unders (100 singles)
Rest 4 minutes, and then…

AMRAP in 8 minutes:
– 10 Burpees
– 20/15 Perfect Push-Ups
– 30 Anchored Sit-Ups

B) 3 sets:
– 10-12 single arm BB landmine row (perpendicular to BB) @ 2111
– 8-10 L-seated DB strict overhead press @ 2111

A) EMOM x 15 min

1: Bench press x 3-4 @ 30X1 (heavier than 5/24)

2: Weighted pull-up x 2-3

OR 6-8 bent over double DB row

3: Dual DB Romanian deadlifts x 8-10 @ 20X1


B) Every 5 minutes x 20-25 min (4-5 sets)

– 500/400m row

*Goal is to stay at 90% aerobic pace and to stay consistent. You shouldn’t stray more than 3 seconds off your initial time

A) E2MOM x 16 min

– 1 (squat) clean & (split) jerk

*start at 65% and build to something heavy. Goal is to have no misses.


B) AMRAP in 12 min at 80-90%

– Run 200 meters

– 10 Alternating DB snatches (50-75/25-45)

– 30 double unders (90 singles)



A) EMOM x 15 min

1: Back squat x 10-10-8-8-6 (building)

2: 3 negative pull-ups (rest 5 seconds between reps)

3: rest and build on back squat


B) 12 min AMRAP:

– Run 200 meters

– 10 Alternating DB snatches

– 12 sit-ups

– 14 walking lunges/box step-ups

Memorial Day Murph

For time (full):

– 1 mile run

– 100 pull-ups

– 200 push-ups

– 300 squats

– 1 mile run

*Wear a 20lb vest if you have one.


For time (half):

– 800 m run

– 50 pull-ups

– 100 push-ups

– 150 squats

– 800 m run

A) Strict Overhead Press – 1RM build up

* Set 1 – 4 reps @ 80%

* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 85%

* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 90%

* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 95%

* Set 5 – 1 rep @ 101+%

* Set 6 – 1 rep @ 101+% (optional)

Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.


B) 3 rounds not for time:

– 20 BB front rack reverse lunges (building, heavier than last week)

– R60S

– hand over hand sled pulls (heavy but speedy)

– R60S

– 8-10 single arm DB press @ 2111