21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
– RKB swings
– waiters carry 50ft out and back
– burpees
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
– RKB swings
– waiters carry 50ft out and back
– burpees
For time:
– 800m run (3 block loop)
– 21 thrusters
– 21 bent over double hand rows
– 21 sit-ups
– 600m run (2 block loop)
– 15 thrusters
– 15 bent over double hand rows
– 15 sit-ups
– 400m run (1 block loop)
– 9 thrusters
– 9 bent over double hand rows
– 9 sit-ups
EMOM x 10 min (5 sets each)
1: 5 deadlifts + 5 hang power cleans + 5 push press
2: rest
EMOM x 10 min (5 sets each)
1: 10 down ups + max half burpees in remainder of minute
2: rest
EMOM x 5 min (5 sets)
– 30 double unders + max reps air squats
EMOM x 5 min (5 sets)
– 10-20 sit-ups
*This workout is meant to be completed with a running clock with no rest time between EMOMs.
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
– 7 hang squat cleans
– 7 burpees over weight.
*After each or the three 400m runs you will complete 3 rounds of the hang squat cleans and burpees for a total of 9 rounds of the hang squat cleans and burpees for the entire workout.
4 sets or 5 min AMRAP:
– 40 double unders or 60 singles
– 8 ground to overhead
– 12/9 push-ups
– 16 goblet squats
R2.5M between sets
*pick up where you left off each set.
For time:
– 25 pull-ups
– 50 deadlifts
– 50 push-ups
– 50 box jumps + step down
– 50 floor wipers
– 50 single arm DB/KB clean and jerk (25/arm)
– 25 pull-ups
*1 floor wiper = fleet to one side, feet to middle, feet to other side, then back to middle
“Tabata Something Else”
– Pick 4 movements that you can rep out at a pretty high frequency. You are going to perform 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds of rest for each movement. Once you complete 8 rounds of one movement you move right into 8 rounds of the next movement. Once you’re done with all four movements (or 32 total rounds) the workout is complete. Goal is to try and maintain output across all movements.