A) E2M x 4 sets each
Station 1:
Station 2:
- 8 DB bench press
- 8 hinged banded lat pull-downs
*All reps should be performed with a 3 second eccentric tempo.
B) 7 min AMRAP:
– 2 SA DB clean and push press (1/arm)
– 2 hanging knee raise
– 4 SA DB clean and push press
– 4 hanging knee raise
– etc.., adding 2 reps every round to both movements.
A) E2M x 8 sets:
Sets 1-4: 2 cleans + 1 jerk
Sets 5-8: 1 clean + 1 jerk
*Build to about 90%
B) CrossFit Open Workout 13.4
7 min AMRAP:
– 3 clean and jerk (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 3 toes to bar
– 6 clean and jerk
– 6 toes to bar
– etc.., adding 3 reps every round to both movements.
Fitness & Performance
C) 3 sets:
– 16 alternating single arm/leg V-ups
– 8/side glute bridge w/ 8 count hold on last rep