This Saturday





What better way to celebrate the birthday of your favorite CrossFit gym than by a day in the park with some awesome food and people?

On Saturday, September 14th, join us at Lindsley Park at 10am for an outdoor workout that everyone can enjoy. After the workout we will feast on healthy (and not so healthy) foods in commemoration of our 2nd birthday. Bring the kids and your friends!
This will be a potluck style event. Sign-up is available at the gym. Everyone is invited to attend!



NPE’s The American Dream – OPT from OptimumPerformanceTraining on Vimeo.

I got to spend the weekend with James “OPT” FitzGerald, winner of the first CrossFit Games, in Scottsdale, Arizona a few weeks back. This video on one’s balance is thought provoking to say the least. We are EDCF are constantly striving for more balance in our programming for fitness as we hope you are constantly striving for more balance in your daily lives.


EDCF Turns 2 BBQ

On Saturday, September 14th, we will host a workout and BBQ at Lindsley Park (located about 3 blocks west of the gym). Instead of our regular Saturday workout, a workout in the park will be set up for everyone and their friends and family to participate in. After the WOD everyone is invited to stay for food, fun, and games. This will be kid friendly and there is a big playground so feel free to bring your kids.


WOD For A Cure


Have you been busting your butt at EDCF and would like to test your fitness against others? Never done a competition style workout and would like to give it a try? Our friends at CrossFit Underworld are hosting WOD For A Cure on Saturday, September 7th. This is a small AMRAP style competition with proceeds going towards lymphoma cancer research. There will be both beginner and advanced groupings. Join others from our gym as they kick cancer’s butt!

For more information and registration click HERE.

Saturday Movement Assessments


In order to complete the Assessment and Program Design portion of the Level One OPT CCP certification, coach Ryan is looking for volunteers who are willing to partake in movement assessments this Saturday at the times of 11am or 2pm. How will this benefit you? You will learn your biomechanical movement efficiencies and inefficiencies as an athlete. You will be tested in work capacity and relative strength. If you are interested in giving couple hours of your time, please contact Coach Ryan at [email protected] to get on the list.

Happy training!

EDCF Turns 2!


Mark your calendars… EDCF is turning 2 years old!

On Saturday, September 14th, we will host a workout and BBQ at Lindsley Park (located about 3 blocks west of the gym). Instead of our regular Saturday workout, a workout in the park will be set up for everyone and their friends and family to participate in. After the WOD everyone is invited to stay for food, fun, and games. This will be kid friendly and there is a big playground so feel free to bring your kids.

How To Read Our Programming

Dennis testing aerobic capacity through a 60 min row.

What does A1, A2, B1, B2, mean?  How do I follow the sets?  What does the rest portion mean?  What do some common abbreviations mean?

We will use a typical multi-movement resistance training workout that could be prescribed for class:
A1. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X0, 4-6 reps x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
A2. Chest to Bar Pull-ups, AMRAP x 5 sets, rest 120 sec
B1. KBS – 2 pd, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
B2. Ring Dips, 21 reps x 4 sets, rest 30 sec
In this workout you move through exercise A1 at the prescribed (rx’d) tempo, for the rx’d reps, you then rest for the rx’d amount of time (exactly) after the set is completed. Following the rest you do exercise A2 at the rx’d tempo, for the rx’d reps, you then rest for the rx’d amount of time after the set is completed. You then proceed back to A1. This alternation continues until the rx’d number of sets are completed for each exercise. For the above, this would mean 5 sets through A1/A2, with 120 seconds rest between each set.
Once you have completed the A1/A2 series, you move to B1. You start B1, 120 seconds after your last set of A2. This style of workout can go into C1/C2, D1/D2, or A1/A2/A3/A4/A5/A6. Nothing changes, you simply following the rx’d order of exercises, the rx’d tempo, the rx’d reps, the rx’d sets.
AD – AirDyne machine
FLR – Front Leaning Rest – plank position at the top of the push-up with scapula retracted, belly contracted towards spine, glutes active, and chin towards chest
COVP – Chin Over Vertical Plane – chin must travel over the bar to break the plane created by the pull-up bar that is perpendicular to the floor
CTB – Chest To Bar – chest makes contact with the bar at or below the clavicle on every rep
EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute – perform the work, and rest until the top of the next minute
TnG – Touch and Go – no pause between or during reps
S2O – Shoulder to Overhead
OHS – Overhead Squat
UB – unbroken – completed in a single set. depending on the movement, there may be pause between reps in an appropriate resting position, for example, front rack position or hanging from the bar.
BWT or BW – bodyweight
GHD – Glute-Ham Developer machine
KB – kettlebell
DB – dumbbell
AMRAP  – as many reps/rounds as possible during the specified timeframe or set.  this may be written as AMRAP (-x) for a set, indicating to go x reps short of failure for that set.
AFAP – As Fast As Possible
HSPU – Handstand Pushup, performed with feet against a wall
MU – Muscle-up on rings
DU – Double Under – jump rope passes under the feet twice with each jump
PC – Power Clean
PS – Power Snatch
PJ – Push Jerk
SJ – Split Jerk
HBBS – High Bar Back Squat – Barbell rests on top of the traps, as opposed to the Low Bar Back Squat, in which the barbell rests on the rear delts
Deficit – add additional range of motion to the movement

Support CrossFit Walter Reed

CrossFit Walter Reed is a non-profit, military CrossFit affiliate. They exclusively train wounded service members, veterans, their families, and care givers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) in Bethesda, MD. They specialize in taking wounded veterans and applying CrossFit in their road to recovery as well as raising money to help them start into a local affiliate once they return home.

You might notice a poster and black mailbox by the front door this week. We are putting together a fundraiser to raise money for this gym to help offset of the costs of being a non-profit affiliate.

We are asking for a donation of $35 in the form of a check, but any donation is greatly appreciated and will go straight to supporting the CFWR athletes. With that donation you will receive a CFWR shirt with the logo above. The shirts are technical material, run true to size and come in men’s and women’s sizing.

2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Watching Party

The 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games start this week so get excited! This is your chance to see the best of the best of our sport compete at an international level. The action starts this Friday through Sunday for both men, women, and teams. You can view them live on ESPN3. A schedule of each event is posted below.

We will be throwing a potluck/BYOB-style EDCF Games Watching Party this coming Saturday evening from 6-10pm. Everyone is invited and encouraged to bring a friend. You will have your chance to catch up on Friday and Saturday Games’ events as well as with your fellow EDCFers. Check out the Facebook event HERE and RSVP if you plan to attend!