3 rounds not for time:
– 4 TnG power snatches
– 6 Burpees AFAP; rest 3 min
3 rounds with a 3 min running clock of:
– 400 m run
– AMRAP pull-ups
AMRAP UB wall balls
3 rounds not for time:
– 4 TnG power snatches
– 6 Burpees AFAP; rest 3 min
3 rounds with a 3 min running clock of:
– 400 m run
– AMRAP pull-ups
AMRAP UB wall balls
Overhead Squat
For time:
– 200 m run
– 30 box jumps (24/20)
– 30 KB clean & press (35/25)
– 400 m run
– 40 HR push-ups
– 400 m run
– 30 KB clean & press
– 30 box jumps
– 200 m run
A1. Stiff Legged DL @ 2010; 5-8 x 5; rest 20 sec
A2. Handstand Push Ups @ 1111; amrap x 5; rest 3 min
So some of you guys were asking about the scaling for the 300 challenge in order to make a decision about signing up. Well here ya go!
3 sets @ max effort:
4 TnG Power Clean
6 burpees AFAP
(rest 3 min b/t sets, same weight per set, faster per set)
2 sets:
1 min AMRAP thrusters – 95/65#
1 min AMRAP toes to bar
rest 6 min b/t sets – high speed, high turnover is goal
– 800 m run for time
As part of the 300 Challenge, we’ve teamed up with Soles 4 Souls charity and will be hosting a shoe drive for the remainder of May. Soles 4 Souls is a great organization that has helped raise over 17 million pairs of shoes for those in need, and distributed them to 127 countries. To learn more, visit their website: http://www.
1) Bring your shoes to the gym during the 300 Challenge on May 12th from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM. You’re welcome to stick around and watch the competitors, or grab a bite to eat.
2) If you live near the gym, you may receive a bag /flier on your door this coming weekend. If you have shoes to donate, leave them out on your front porch on Saturday May 19th. We will be by sometime between 10:00 – 2:00 to pick them up.
3) If you can’t make either of these days, please feel free to bring your shoes by the gym anytime between now and the end of May. We will have a donation box inside the gym. Be sure to check the class schedule to make sure someone is there. We’re only open during class times.
Shoes – Both used and new. Soles 4 Souls accepts anything – Tennis Shoes, Heels, Sandals, etc.
Money – We will also be taking monetary donations to help offset the cost of shipping. We are responsible for shipping the shoes we collect directly to the nearest Soles 4 Souls warehouse. $1/ pair of shoes is our goal.
FAQs from Soles4Souls.org
What types of shoes do you accept?
Soles4Souls accepts all types of shoes: athletic, running, dress, sandals, pumps, heels, work boots, cleats, dance, flip flops, just as long as they are new or gently worn.
How do I obtain a tax receipt?
You can fill out the form here: http://www.soles4souls.org/get_involved/tax_receipt.html and they will send you one from the corporate office.
Other questions? Visit http://www.soles4souls.org/
Charles came to the first workout we ever had at the gym. Back when there was no electricity and it was 105 degrees outside. In the past year, since starting paleo and being introduced to the CrossFit methodology, Charles has dropped about 20lbs and around 10″. A Chef at Company Cafe and Two Sisters, Charles is always around temptation to stray away from his diet but after noticing immediate results, he has continued on the straight and narrow. Increases in energy levels and lean mass composition are two other positive side effects to his healthy diet. Keep up the good work Charles. You look great!
Sign up for the 300 Challenge HERE. About 15 spots left and everyone is welcome!
Strict Weighted Pull-Ups
for time:
– 21 KB Swings
– 21 Pull-ups
– 42 Double Unders
– 200 m run
– 15 KBS
– 15 Pull-ups
– 30 Double Unders
– 9 KBS
– 9 Pull-ups
– 18 Double Unders
– 200 m run