Sign up for Barbells & Handlebars on the registration page located HERE. I am strongly encouraging all EDCF members to either compete or at least volunteer. Expect sponsors, mustaches, music, sweat, beer and one hell of a good time. The movements will be released soon!
Free Saturday class tomorrow at 10am. Masters (50+) are welcome at 9am.
Robin Hawke has been religiously coming to the Masters class every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning for exactly a year. Her attendance record is impressive. Now add in the factor that she has been doing it on only one “good” knee. She had her first knee replacement surgery over four years ago and besides opting to row instead of run, you would never know the difference.
She goes in for her second knee replacement surgery, a procedure she has known was coming since after first knee was operated on, tomorrow morning. Robin doesn’t make excuses as she has been at class both days this week including squatting 225 lb. past parallel on Tuesday and deadlifting well over 200 this morning. She actually wanted to take this morning “light”.
Robin is a badass, pure and simple. Add this to her awesome attitude and work ethic and it makes her one special individual. Ask anyone in the Masters class and they will tell you that it just won’t be the same without her yellow Mini Cooper in the parking lot or her warm smile even after a tough WOD. We wish you a speedy recovery, Robin, and know that you’ll be back with a vengeance when you return.
So being the nerd that I am with this kind of stuff, I decided to take your high bar back squat one rep maxes and compare them against your old ones. I wanted to look at how men and women increased separately as well as everyone together. The results are just what I was hoping for but there are some interesting things to point out.
The men increased there 1RM load by an average of 16.5 lb… Wow.
The women increased their 1RM load by an average of 13.75 lb… Still wow.
More interestingly though, the women showed a percent increase of 9.3% compared to the men’s 7.1%. Great job ladies!
All in all, yesterday was a success. I also want to point out a particular highlight of yesterday’s squatting. Heather N. hit a big 205# (up from 185). She has had her eye on getting over the 200 mark for a while. Great job Heather! Hard work pays off.
And now I present to you Adam dressed up like Spiderman..
The end of our high bar back squat cycle ends today. Come on in to find out how all that hard work has paid off by finding a new one rep max.
The new gym is coming along! Take a look at the fresh signage as you are making your way to the old place. A big thanks goes out to everyone who helped out again this weekend (Jeffrey, Jill, and Bryan). Now all we need is some lights and electricity…
Take advantage of our 7 Days for $7 special! Attend our classes, learn the format, and join our vibrant community without any prep courses or restrictions. Simply find a time that works best for you and get started!