For time with a 20 minute cap:

– 25 Pull-Ups (scale with bands/ring rows)
– 50 Deadlifts (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 50 Push-Ups (scale with knee/box)
– 50 Box Jumps (24/20, 20/16, step-ups)
– 50 Floor Wipers (watch video)
– 50 KB Clean and Press – 25/arm (35/25, 25/18, 18/13)
– 25 Pull-Ups (scale with bands/ring rows)

We are opening this up to masters and regular EDCF athletes as well as any friends with adequate CrossFit experience! As always, there will be multiple ways of scaling (listed above). On the fence? Don’t be.

There will be 4 heats limited 14 people starting at 9:10, 9:40, 10:10, and 10:40am. Please arrive 10-20 minutes early to warm-up on your own.


Make sure you stay afterwards for some tacos, beer, and waterslide action as we will be celebrating our 5th Birthday Bash!

A) E2MOM x 20 min (10 sets)

Sets 1-3: 3 high hang cleans @ 50-65%

Sets 4-6: 2 hang cleans @ 70-80%

Sets 7-10: 1 clean @ 85, 90, 95, & 95+%

*Take only 1 more try if needed to find max.


B) 3-4 sets for efficiency:

– 6-10 strict T2B @ 3210 (absolutely no swing)

– 40ft overhead BB lunges (heavy but UB – build every set)

– 8 tire flips (fast and efficient)

*Rest as much as needed to perform all movements to best of ability.

A) 3 sets:

– 8 Romanian deadlifts @ 30X1 tempo

– R30S

– 8-10 bent over DB rows @ 21X1

– R30S

– 60 sec prone plank hold

– R1-2M


B) Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (4 sets):

Interval 1 – 200m run w/ sandbag

Interval 2 – (1 muscle-up + 2 ring dips) x 3-6 reps

OR 6-12 strict supinated pull-ups + 6-12 ring dips

Interval 3 – 45 seconds max distance handstand walk in 45 Seconds

OR 20 NTW handstand shoulder touches

OR 45 sec handstand hold (NTW or regular keeping midline tight)

A) E2MOM x 18 min (9 sets)

Sets 1-3: 3 high hang snatches @ 50-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 hang snatches @ 60-75%

Sets 7-9: 1 snatch @ 75-90%

*Pause 1-2 seconds in each position before starting movement.


B) 10-8-6-4-2 reps of

– power snatches (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– overhead squat

– box jump – step down (24/20”)


*Sub front squat if mobility is an issue.

A) E3MOM x 12 min
– Back squat x 5-6 reps @ 75-80%

B) EMOM x 12-16 min (6-8 sets)
E: 5-10 burpees
O: 5 power cleans

C) 2 sets:
– 30 banded good mornings
– 20 banded hamstring curls

*Burpee rep number should be kept as high as possible.
*Power cleans should be as heavy as possible while maintaining TnG rhythm.

Programming Overview: Aug. 22-28

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Our birthday week is here! Make sure you mark your calendars for the 300 Challenge + 5th Birthday Bash going down this Saturday! Heat 1 of the 300 Challenge kicks off at 9:20am! Details and heat sign up for the 300 Challenge can be found >HERE<. Tacos, beer, games, and the waterslide will get rolling at 11ish for our Birthday Bash so stick around and bring a friend.

No, you don’t have to do the 300 to enjoy the festivities but…

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Monday 8/22

A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets):

2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Start at 65% push press and work up to heavier than 8/15. Pause 1-2 sec on catch of each jerk.


B) For time:

– 1000/800m row

followed immediately by . . .

Three rounds of:

– 30 double unders

– 20 KB swings (70/53, 53/35)

– 10 strict handstand push-ups


*Scale HSPUs with a strict box HSPU or DB L-seated presses.


Tuesday 8/23

A) E3MOM x 12 min

– Back squat x 5-6 reps @ 75-80%


B) EMOM x 12-16 min (6-8 sets)

E: 5-10 burpees

O: 5 power cleans


C) 2 sets:

– 30 banded good mornings

– 20 banded hamstring curls


*Burpee rep number should be kept as high as possible.

*Power cleans should be as heavy as possible while maintaining TnG rhythm.


Wednesday 8/24

A) E2MOM x 18 min (9 sets)

Sets 1-3: 3 high hang snatches @ 50-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 hang snatches @ 60-75%

Sets 7-9: 1 snatch @ 75-90%

*Pause 1-2 seconds in each position before starting movement.


B) 10-8-6-4-2 reps of

– power snatches (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– overhead squat

– box jump – step down (24/20”)


*Sub front squat if mobility is an issue.


Thursday 8/25

A) 3 sets:

– 8 Romanian deadlifts @ 30X1 tempo

– R30S

– 8-10 bent over DB rows @ 21X1

– R30S

– 60 sec prone plank hold

– R1-2M


B) Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (4 sets):

Interval 1 – 200m run w/ sandbag

Interval 2 – (1 muscle-up + 2 ring dips) x 3-6 reps

OR 6-12 strict supinated pull-ups + 6-12 ring dips

Interval 3 – 45 seconds max distance handstand walk in 45 Seconds

OR 20 NTW handstand shoulder touches

OR 45 sec handstand hold (NTW or regular keeping midline tight)


Friday 8/26

A) E2MOM x 20 min (10 sets)

Sets 1-3: 3 high hang cleans @ 50-65%

Sets 4-6: 2 hang cleans @ 70-80%

Sets 7-10: 1 clean @ 85, 90, 95, & 95+%

*Take only 1 more try if needed to find max.


B) 3 sets for efficiency:

– 6-8 strict T2B @ 3210 (absolutely no swing)

– 40ft overhead BB lunges (heavy but UB – build every set)

– 8 tire flips (fast and efficient)

*Rest as much as needed to perform all movements to best of ability.


Saturday 8/27 (no regular classes)

300 Challenge + 5th Birthday Bash!

9am – 3pm


Sunday 8/28

8am Endurance

The 300 Challenge (Details & Sign Up Link)

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Many of you know the 300 Challenge but for those of you taking it on for the first time here is the rundown…

For time with a 20 minute cap:

25 Pull-Ups (scale with bands/ring rows)
50 Deadlifts (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
50 Push-Ups (scale with knee/box)
50 Box Jumps (24/20, 20/16, step-ups)
50 Floor Wipers (watch video)
50 KB Clean and Press – 25/arm (35/25, 25/18, 18/13)
25 Pull-Ups (scale with bands/ring rows)

We are opening this up to masters and regular EDCF athletes as well as any friends with adequate CrossFit experience! As always, there will be multiple ways of scaling (listed above). On the fence? Don’t be.

There will be 4 heats limited 14 people starting at 9:10, 9:40, 10:10, and 10:40am. Please arrive 10-20 minutes early to warm-up on your own.


Make sure you stay afterwards for some tacos, beer, and waterslide action as we will be celebrating our 5th Birthday Bash!


A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets):

2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Start at 65% push press and work up to heavier than 8/15. Pause 1-2 sec on catch of each jerk.


B) For time:

– 1000/800m row

followed immediately by . . .

Three rounds of:

– 30 double unders

– 20 KB swings (70/53, 53/35)

– 10 strict handstand push-ups


*Scale HSPUs with a strict box HSPU or DB L-seated presses.