Programming Overview: June 27 – July 2 (N&WP Week 8)

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Well, it’s now week 8 and right now we are working on maintaining what we have started over the last 2 months.  Yup, it’s already been 2 months… Nothing new this week!  We just want to reinforce good habits.
Remember to keep logging your food, whether you use the MyFitnessPal app or if you track it some other way, and weigh yourself 3 times a week.  This will be very important for your last 4 weeks as we start to ween you off of the program and send you into the real world.
Our next and last meeting is the coming Sunday the 2nd at 11am.  I hope to see you all there!

Please let us coaches know of you have any questions or need anything.  You are never putting us out, that’s what we are here for.

Monday 6/26

A) E2MOM x 16 minutes (8 sets):

– 3 front squats

*Start at heaviest 3 reps from last week and build if able.


B) For max reps:

– 2 minutes max RKB swing (70/53)


– 2 minutes max cal row


– 2 minutes max wallball (20/14)


– 2 minutes max cal row


– 2 minutes max RKB swing
Tuesday 6/27

A) E2MOM x 9 sets:

Sets 1-3: 3 power clean + 3 push jerk @ 55-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 power clean + 2 push jerk @ 65-70%

Sets 7-9: 1 power clean + 1 push jerk @ 75-80%


B) EMOM x 12-21 minutes (4-7 sets):

1 – 3-5 strict pull-ups + 3-5 kipping CTB pull-ups

2 – 8-10 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

3 – 50 double unders
*Add weight to strict pull-ups if able w/ DB between legs. Scale to 8-10 banded pull-ups + 8-10 ring rows if necessary.
Wednesday 6/28

A) Every 4 minutes for quality x 16 min (4 sets):

– 12-16 alternating single arm DB presses (6-8/side)

– 12-16 alternating single arm DB bent over rows (6-8/side)

– 20 KB Russian twist


B) E2MOM x 12-16 min (6-8 sets):

90 sec to…

– Row 20/15 (scale to 15/12 if you are a bit slower on the row)

– max effort ring dips in remaining time
*scale to 15/12 if you are a bit slower on the row

Thursday 6/29

At 80-90% pace…

30 min AMRAP:

– 1000m row

– 20 toes to bar

– 30 box jump overs (24/20”)

– 800m run

– 20 alternating DB snatches (53/35)

– 30 burpees
*This is what we have been building up to. Find a pace that you can stay constant with. Break up movements
Friday 6/30

A) E4MOM x 16 minutes (4 sets):

– 4-6 bench press @ 20X1

– 6-8 wide grip pull-ups @ 20X1

– 8-10 DB Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1

*BP should be heavier than last week.

*Use bands on pull-ups to get at least 6 UB reps if needed.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– Bent over BB Row x 15 reps


– DB skull crusher x 15 reps


– DB hammer curl x 15 reps

Rest 2-3 minutes


C) E3MOM x 3 sets:

– box push down and back AFAP
Saturday 7/1

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Barbell

11am Free Intro
Sunday 7/2

8am Endurance

11am N&W Program Meeting #3

12-2pm Open Gym

A) E2MOM x 9 sets:

Sets 1-3: 3 power clean + 3 push jerk @ 55-60%

Sets 4-6: 2 power clean + 2 push jerk @ 65-70%

Sets 7-9: 1 power clean + 1 push jerk @ 75-80%


B) EMOM x 12-21 minutes (4-7 sets):

1 – 3-5 strict pull-ups + 3-5 kipping CTB pull-ups

2 – 8-10 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

3 – 50 double unders


*Add weight to strict pull-ups if able w/ DB between legs. Scale to 5 banded pull-ups + 8-10 ring rows if necessary.

A) E2MOM x 16 minutes (8 sets):

– 3 front squats

*Start at heaviest 3 reps from last week and build if able.


B) For max reps:

– 2 minutes max RKB swing (70/53)


– 2 minutes max cal row


– 2 minutes max wallball (20/14)


– 2 minutes max cal row


– 2 minutes max RKB swing

8am Masters CrossFit

Every 3 minutes x 3 sets total

Station 1: 500m row

Station 2: 20 RKB swings (heavy) + 15 wallballs + 10 perfect push-ups

Station 3: 400m run

Station 4: 20 sit-ups + 15 ring rows + 10 burpees

Station 5: rest


9am CrossFit

Every 3 minutes x 3 sets total

Station 1: 500/400m row + 5-10 HSPU

Station 2: 20 RKB swings (heavy) + 20 wallballs (20/14) + 10 perfect push-ups

Station 3: 400m run w/ sandbag

Station 4: 50 double unders + 10 pull-ups + 10 burpees

Station 5: rest


10am Barbell/Open Gym

A) Snatch mobility and BB warm-up complex


B) 6 sets:

– 1 power snatch + 1 snatch balance + 1 overhead squat

Rest as needed, build to a heavy set


C) 8 sets:

– snatch

Sets 1-2: 2 @ 60-65%

Sets 3-4: 2 @ 70-75%

Sets 5-6: 1 @ 80-85%

Sets 7-8: 1 @ 90-95%

A) E4MOM x 16 minutes (4 sets):

– 6-8 bench press @ 20X1

– 6-8 wide grip pull-ups @ 20X1

– 6-8 wide stance good mornings @ 20X1 (taken off ground)

*BP should start at heaviest set of 8 from last week.

*Use bands on pull-ups to get at least 6 UB reps if needed.


B) 3 rounds for quality:

– 1 lap / arm farmers handle waiters walk

– 25 banded tricep pull-downs @ 1010

– 12 alternating front rack double KB box step up (heavy)

– 6-8 strict toes to bar w/ pause at bottom

All at 80-90% pace…

AMRAP in 10 min:

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)

– 15 DB anchored sit-ups

– 20 box step-ups

– 50 double unders


AMRAP in 10 min:

– 800m run

– 500m row

– 20 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

– in remaining time: 3 supinated strict pull-ups + 3 strict handstand push-ups


AMRAP in 10 min:

– 20/15 cal row

– 10 alternating DB snatches (50/35)

– 15 wallballs (20/14 to 10/9’)

– 10 perfect push-ups


A) 4 sets for quality:

– 6-8 strict overhead press @ 2111

– R60S

– 8-10 DB bent over row/ side @ 2111

– R60S

– 6-8 DB powell raise / side @ 2111

– R60S


B) 2,000m row tester

*Know the pace you are going to try and keep. Think of it as 4 x 500m. Establish pace and breathing pattern early and hold on as long as you can!


A) 8 minutes to build to today’s max power clean

R3M, then…

B) AMRAP power clean @ 90% of A in 8 minutes

C) 400m farmer’s carry with 53/35 KBs
– Walk don’t run. This is about time under tension.

D) 3 sets for quality:
– 20 hollow rocks
– 12-15 supine medball hamstring curls
Rest as needed