Programming Overview: Dec. 25 – 31


The gym will be on regular schedule Tuesday – Sunday this week. Come on in!

Monday 12/25 – Christmas

Gym Closed


Tuesday 12/26

“The Deuce” (Week 3 – last one!)

A) Bench press @ 80%

– 2 minutes max reps

– R4M

– 2 minutes max reps

– R4M

– 2 minutes max reps


B) Back squat @ 80%

– 2 minutes max reps

– R4M

– 2 minutes max reps

– R4M

– 2 minutes max reps


*You may rack the weight as many times as needed during the 2 minutes. Each person will be teamed up with a spotter. Safety is the biggest priority. If you feel your form start to break down, rack the weight and reset. The goal is to keep weight the same as the last two weeks and increase the number of total reps for both movements.


C) “Arm Farm” x 2 sets:

*Don’t put DBs down!

– 10 french press

– 10 double bicep curls

– 10 skull crushers

– 10 palms up/down curls

– 10 cheat hammer curls

– 10 standing overhead press

– 10 bench press

R3-4M between sets


Wednesday 12/27

A) E2MOM x 5 sets:

– Deadlift

*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%

*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%

*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%

*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80%

*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 85%


B) E2MOM x 3 sets:

Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ 70%


C) For time:

– 400m run

– 40 KB swings (70/44, 53/35, 44/25)

– 400m run

– 40 wallballs (20/14)

– 400m run


Thursday 12/28

A) Every 5 minutes, for 35 minutes (7 sets) for times:

– Row 500/400 meters

– 8 strict pull-ups

– 12 toes to bar

– 16 push-ups


*Scale movement and/or rep number to uphold intensity. First few sets should be close to unbroken.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 reverse snow angels

– 20 sec side plank / side


Friday 12/29

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– hang clean + clean

*Not TnG. Reset between reps.

*Build to something heavy with perfect movement.


B) EMOM x 4-7 sets:

1: 5 power cleans + 5 burpees over the bar (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

2: 10-15 wallballs (20/14)

3: 40 double unders


RX+: 155/105, 20 wallballs, 50 double unders


Saturday 12/30

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro to CrossFit / Open Gym


Sunday 12/31 – New Year’s Eve

Gym Closed

“The Deuce” (Week 3 – last one!)
A) Bench press @ 80%
– 2 minutes max reps
– R4M
– 2 minutes max reps
– R4M
– 2 minutes max reps

B) Back squat @ 80%
– 2 minutes max reps
– R4M
– 2 minutes max reps
– R4M
– 2 minutes max reps

*You may rack the weight as many times as needed during the 2 minutes. Each person will be teamed up with a spotter. Safety is the biggest priority. If you feel your form start to break down, rack the weight and reset. The goal is to keep weight the same as the last two weeks and increase the number of total reps for both movements.

C) “Arm Farm” x 2 sets:
*Don’t put DBs down!
– 10 french press
– 10 double bicep curls
– 10 skull crushers
– 10 palms up/down curls
– 10 cheat hammer curls
– 10 standing overhead press
– 10 bench press
R3-4M between sets

“12 Days of Christmas”

1: DB man maker (35/25ish)

2: ring dips

3: thrusters

4: toes to bar

5: hang power cleans

6: pull-ups

7: shoulder to overhead

8: KB swings (53/35)

9: box jumps – SD (24/20”)

10: calories rowed

11: wallballs

12: burpees


RX+: 55/35 man maker, 115/75 barbell, 70/44 kettlebell

RX: 35/25 man maker, 95/65 barbell, 53/35 kettlebell

Scaled: 25/15 man maker, 75/45 barbell, 35/25 kettlebell


*Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1; 2-1; 3-2-1; 4-3-2-1; etc – for a total of 364 reps.


*40 minute cut-off.

Tri-Phasic 2.3

A) 5 sets:

– back squat x 2 @ 80-88% (w/ 5 sec pause)

– immediately followed by

  • 4 hurdle to tall box jumps (step down)
  • 4 weighted jumps (slightly heavier)
  • 4 hurdle to broad jumps


B) 5 sets:

– bench press x 2 @ 80-88% (w/ 5 sec pause)

– immediately followed by

  • 4 strict pull-ups
  • 4 altitude drop push-up
  • 4 med ball chest tosses (lighter and faster)

*All movements should be performed as explosively as possible. Work at your own pace not taking more than 2 minutes of rest between sets.


*Last day for isometric pauses!


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 8 DB step-ups / side


D) 3 sets for quality:

– 8 DB bent over row / side

Christmas & New Year’s Holiday Hours

Screenshot 2017-12-20 at 2.35.36 PM

With the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s holidays coming up we are limiting some classes. Please take note of the following changes to the upcoming schedule:

Sunday 12/24: gym closed

Monday 12/25: gym closed

Tuesday through Sunday 12/26-31: regular schedule

Monday 1/1: 9am class only


A) Gymnastic Skill Work (Week 3)

Every 90 seconds x 3 sets

Station 1 –

  • Level III: 30-50 ft handstand walk
  • Level II: 20 HS nose and toes to wall shoulder touches
  • Level I: 2-3 wall walks (stay hollow)

Station 2 –

  • Level III: 5/3 muscle ups (try 3/2 strict if able)
  • Level ll: 8 kips on high rings + 6 banded muscle up turnovers
  • Level I: 10 connected kips + 8 ring rows

Station 3 –  

  • All levels: 45 sec double unders or DU practice


B) EMOM x 4-5 sets

1: 12/9 cal row

2: 6 DB burpee box step ups (50/30, 40/25, 30/15 )

3: 7 toes to bar + 20 double unders

Whole Life Challenge (Jan. 20-Mar. 2)


The holidays are notoriously hard on the momentum you’ve gained with working out, nutrition and/or just creating a healthier lifestyle. If you’ve fallen off the wagon, or on your way, we’ve got just the thing for you!

Starting on January 20th we will be taking on the 2018 Whole Life Challenge as a team. The Whole Life Challenge is an awesome way to track your progress of adding and maintaining healthy habits over 8 weeks. Their platform is second to none with a very easy to use website and smart phone app and is designed to keep you and other teammates accountable throughout the challenge.

We especially like this challenge because it isn’t just about nutrition but also incorporates other habits such as exercise, mobility, sleep, hydration, well-being, and daily reflection.

Early bird pricing ends January 3rd at just $39 ($29 if you are a returning player). It shoots up to $49 after the 3rd.

Check out more on the how the challenge works and sign-up for team EDCF via their website: