Join us to help celebrate Coach RJ’s belated birthday this Saturday at 2pm at Smoky Rose on Garland Ave. Stop in to say high or stay for dinner! Everyone is welcome!
Monday 4/16
A) E4M x 3 sets:
– 15 back squats @ 20X1 tempo
*Either stay at last week’s heaviest weight for 3 sets or bump 5-10lbs.
B) E2MOM x 5-8 sets @ 95%
– 30 double unders
– 4-8 toes to bar
– 5-10 burpees
*Pick a rep number based on ability and stick to it.
*Complete at least 5 sets even if you have to rest a set.
Tuesday 4/17
A) EMOM x 12 sets:
– 1 power clean
*Build from 60-95%
B) EMOM x 4-7 sets
1: 12/9 cal row or 10/7 cal AB
2: 5 power cleans @ 70% of A
3: 6-10 box jump overs (24/20”)
RX+ row 15/12 cal or AB 12/9 cal with 10 BJOs.
Wednesday 4/18
A) E2MOM x 8 sets:
– 2 x split jerk @ 60-90%
*First 3 sets use a pause on the catch.
B) Every 6 minutes x 3 sets:
– 400m run
– 8 pull-ups
– 10 overhead squats (95/65)
– 12 burpees over the barbell
RX+ use CTB pull-ups and 115/75.
Scale OHS to front squats if needed.
Thursday 4/19
A) 8 min AMRAP @80-90%
– 250/200m row or .4km AB
– 10 RKB swings
– 10 sit-ups
8 min AMRAP @80-90%
– 200m run
– 5 strict HSPU or 10 push-ups
– 10 prisoner lunges
8 min AMRAP @80-90%
– 50 double unders
– 5 strict pull-ups
– 10 NPU burpees
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 8 slide hamstring curls @ 30X1
– 16/side glute wall slides
– 8/side red band resisted knee drives
Friday 4/20
A) E4MOM x 3 sets:
– 15 bench press
– 15/side bent over DB row
*Either stay at last week’s heaviest weight for 3 sets or bump 5-10lbs.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 10/side suitcase anti-rotational split squat
– 1 lap/arm DB waiters walk with KB front rack hold
– 6-8 strict T2B with pause at the bottom (no swing)
– 1 length/side lateral sled drag
Saturday 4/21
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym
Sunday 4/22
8am Endurance
10am-12pm Open Gym