Programming Overview: July 16-22

Screenshot 2018-07-12 at 9.43.34 AM

Monday 7/16

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets:

– 3 push press + 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Keep moderate to insure good technique and timing


B) Every 5 minutes x 4-5 sets:

– 500/400m row

– 20/15 push-ups

– 10 box jump overs


*Scale push-ups so that first set is unbroken or close to it.


Tuesday 7/17

A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 6 front squats

*Heavier than last week’s 8s.


B) Tester (compare to 6/25)

15 min AMRAP:

– 15 thrusters (95/65)

– 15 pull-ups

– 15 burpees


RX+: 115/75



A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 7 back squats

– 10 L-seated DB presses

*Squats should be heavier than last week.


B) 15 min AMRAP:

– 300m run or 300/225m row

– 10 alternating DB snatches

– 10 walking lunges

– 10 lemon squeezes

– 30 single unders


Wednesday 7/18

A) Every 2 min x 4-5 sets

Station 1: 300m run

Station 2: 10 hang power cleans + 6-8 toes to bar + 20 double unders

Station 3: 16 overhead walking lunges + 8 burpees over the plate

Station 4: rest


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 3 TGUP / arm

– 8/side single leg DB/KB Romanian deadlifts

*If single leg isn’t attainable perform 10 regular RDLs.


Thursday 7/19

A) Every 2 minutes x 5 sets:

– 5-4-3-2-1 x overhead squats

*Try and build  to a single heavy rep.


B) For time:

– 1000/800m row

– 50 double unders

– 15 overhead squats (95/65, 75/55, 65/45)

– 10 burpee pull-ups

– 15 overhead squats

– 50 double unders

– 1000/800m row


RX+ use 115/75 and perform 10/7 bar muscle-ups and



A) E2MOM x 5 sets:

– 3 strict press + 3 push press


B) For time:

– 750/600m row

– 50 single unders

– 20 RKB swings

– 15 push-ups

– 10 ring rows

– 15 push-ups

– 20 RKB swings

– 50 single unders

– 750/600m row


Friday 7/20

A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 8 deadlifts

– 16 alternating standing single arm overhead press

*Deadlifts should be around 65-75%. Focus on controlled TnG without bouncing the barbell.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 60 sec of max effort supinated pull-ups

– 8/side front foot elevated KB front rack reverse lunges (foot on 45# plate)

– KB contralateral carry down and back

– 30 sec accumulated L-sit


Saturday 7/21

8am Masters

For time with a partner:

– 1000/800m row

– 80 RKB swings

– 80 goblet squats

– 1000/800m row

– 60 elevated push-ups

– 60 ring rows

– 1000/800m row

– 40 lemon squeezes

– 40 NPU burpees


9am CrossFit

For time with a partner:

– 2000/1500m row

– 80 KB swings

– 80 goblet squats

– 1500/1200m row

– 60 push-ups

– 60 pull-ups

– 1000/800m row

– 40 box jumps

– 40 burpees


10am Intro To CrossFit

4-5 rounds for time:

– 250/200m row

– 10 wallballs

– 200m run

– 10 RKB swings



Sunday 7/22

10-12pm Open Gym

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets:

– 3 push press + 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Keep moderate to insure good technique and timing


B) Every 5 minutes x 3-4 sets:

– 500/400m row

– 20/15 push-ups

– 10 box jump overs


*Scale push-ups so that first set is unbroken or close to it.

8am Masters

6 rounds for time with a partner

– 500/400m row

– 20 DB thrusters (10 each)

– 20 sit-ups (10 each)


9am CrossFit

6 rounds for time with a partner:

– 500/400m row (250/200 each)

– 20 thrusters (10 each) – 95/65

– 20 pull-ups (10 each)

A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 10 deadlifts

– 10 seated Arnold presses @ 2111

*Deadlifts should be around 65-70%. Focus on controlled TnG without bouncing the barbell.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– seated hand over hand vertical rope pull

– farmers carry down and back (heavy but fast)

– 8/side front foot elevated KB front rack reverse lunges (use 45# plate)

– 6-8 strict toes to bar

A) Every 2 minutes x 5 sets:

– 3 overhead squats @2111

*Try and build per set.


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 8 hang squat snatch (95/65, 75/55, 65/45, 55/35)

– 10 toes to bar

*Use a weight that enables you to keep first couple sets UB.

A) Every 90 sec x 4-5 sets

Station 1: 20 double unders + 6-10 pull-ups + 6-10 ring dips

Station 2: 15/12 cal row

Station 3: 8-12 burpee + box jump overs

Station 4: 200m run

Station 5: rest


RX+ replace pull-ups & dips with 3-5 ring or bar MU


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 banded psoas march from hollow position

– 30 sec side plank / side

A) Every 2 min x 4 sets each:

Station 1: 8 front squats

Station 2: 12 DB bench press @ 30X1


B) For time:

– 1000/800m row

– 20 squat cleans (185/135, 155/105, 135/95, 155/75)

*Weight should allow you to perform quick and precise singles.

*RX+ use 225/155.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 3 TGUP / arm

– 10 DB/KB Romanian deadlifts @ 30X1

Programming Overview: July 9-15

Screenshot 2018-07-09 at 3.08.30 PM

As we dive into another macrocycle this week, athletes will experience an increase of volume. In the coming weeks you may notice more front squats, single leg work, deadlift variations, push press/jerk complexes, and vertical pressing strength. Remember, there is a plan with everything we do. Nothing is random. Everything has purpose and progression. Stick to the script. Don’t stress. Eat right. Sleep right. Pay attention to aches and pains… and you will progress.


Monday 7/9

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 5 sets:

– 3 push press + 2 push jerk

*Keep moderate to insure good technique and timing


B) Every 3 minutes x 4-7 sets:

– 200m run

– 4-8 strict handstand push-ups

– 16 RKB swings (70/44)

– 32 double unders


*Scale with kipping HSPU, 2-3 wall walks, or 6-10 L-seated DB presses.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 banded face pulls

– 15 hollow rocks


Tuesday 7/10

A) Every 2 min x 4 sets each:

Station 1: 8 front squats

Station 2: 8 BB floor press w/ pause

*Build on both movements over the course of 4 sets.


B) For time:

– 1000/800m row

– 20 squat cleans (185/135, 155/105, 135/95, 155/75)

*Weight should allow you to perform quick and precise singles.

*RX+ use 225/155.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 3 TGUP / arm

– 10 DB/KB Romanian deadlifts @ 30X1


Wednesday 7/11

A) Every 90 sec x 4-5 sets

Station 1: 20 double unders + 6-10 pull-ups + 6-10 ring dips

Station 2: 15/12 cal row

Station 3: 8-12 burpee + box jump overs

Station 4: 200m run


RX+ replace pull-ups with 3-5 ring or bar MU


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 banded psoas march from hollow position

– 30 sec side plank / side


Thursday 7/12

A) Every 2 minutes x 5 sets:

– 3 overhead squats @2111

*Try and build per set.


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 8 hang squat snatch (95/65, 75/55, 65/45, 55/35)

– 10 toes to bar

*Use a weight that enables you to keep first couple sets UB.


Friday 7/13

A) E4M x 3 sets

– 10 deadlifts

– 10 seated Arnold presses @ 2111

*Deadlifts should be around 65-70%. Focus on controlled TnG without bouncing the barbell.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– seated hand over hand vertical rope pull

– farmers carry down and back (heavy but fast)

– 8/side front foot elevated KB front rack reverse lunges (use 45# plate)

– 6-8 strict toes to bar


Saturday 7/14

8am Masters

5 rounds for time with a partner

– 500/400m row

– 20 DB thrusters (10 each)

– 20 sit-ups (10 each)


9am CrossFit

5 rounds for time with a partner:

– 500/400m row (250/200 each)

– 20 thrusters (10 each) – 95/65

– 20 pull-ups (10 each)


10am Free Intro / Open Gym

4-5 rounds for time:

– 250/200m row

– 10 wallballs

– 200m run

– 10 RKB swings



Sunday 7/15

8am Endurance

10-12 Open Gym