AMRAP in 3 minutes:
– 6 burpees
– 8 alternating single arm squat cleans
– 20 lateral hops over DB
R60S x 4 sets
AMRAP in 3 minutes:
– 6 burpees
– 8 alternating single arm squat cleans
– 20 lateral hops over DB
R60S x 4 sets
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
– 800m run (lap around block)
– 20 RKB swings
– 20/15 push-ups
– 20 lemon squeezes
Warm Up
– 3-5 minutes of cardio
3 sets:
– 5/side single leg RDLs
– 5/side single leg glute bridges
– 5 lemon squeezes
A) 3 sets, 3 minute AMRAP:
– 50m out and back shuttle run
– 12 Russian KB swings
– 12 Russian twists
R1M, pick up where you left off with each new set.
B) 5 sets:
– 20 sec plank
– 20 sec side plank L
– 20 sec side plank R
*try and go straight through without breaks!
3 rounds for time of:
– 200m run
– 15 burpees
– 15 thrusters
2 rounds for time of:
– 75 double unders
– 50 sit-ups
– 25 deadlifts
4 rounds for time of:
– 50m suitcase carry (25m/side)
– 8 pull-ups or 8/side bent over rows
– 12 alternating goblet hold reverse lunge
20 minute AMRAP:
– 5 pull-ups
– 10 push-ups
– 15 air squats
– 30 double unders (sub 60 singles or 30 lateral hops
*sub pull-ups with 10 bent over odd object rows.
Every 5 minutes x 6 sets:
– 400m run
– 16 walking lunges
– 12 backpack push press
*For backpack push press, from one shoulder overhead to the other shoulder is one rep so 6/side. It can also be performed with a sandbag. If you only have a DB/KB just complete 6/side single arm push press.
*Scale this up by wearing backpack, sandbag or weight vest for entirety of work out (except push presses).
Monday 3/30
Deck of cards:
Spades – goblet/front squat
Clubs – burpees
Hearts – sit-ups
Diamonds – alternating DB snatch
Jokers – 400m run
Put cards face down. Flip over cards and do the assigned rep number for the corresponding suit. For example, a 10 of clubs is 10 burpees. Jacks = 11 reps, Queens = 12 reps, and Kings = 13 reps.
Don’t have a physical deck? Download on app…
Tuesday 3/31
Every 5 minutes x 6 sets:
– 400m run
– 15 walking lunges
– 12 backpack push press
*For backpack push press, from one shoulder overhead to the other shoulder is one rep so 6/side. It can also be performed with a sandbag. If you only have a DB/KB just complete 6/side single arm push press.
*Scale this up by wearing backpack, sandbag or weight vest for entirety of work out (except push presses).
Wednesday 4/1
20 minute AMRAP:
– 5 pull-ups
– 10 push-ups
– 15 air squats
– 30 double unders (sub 60 singles or 30 lateral hops
*sub pull-ups with 10 bent over odd object rows.
Thursday 4/2
A) 3 sets, 3 minute AMRAP:
– 50m out and back shuttle run
– 12 Russian KB swings
– 12 Russian twists
R1M, pick up where you left off with each new set.
B) 5 sets:
– 20 sec plank
– 20 sec side plank L
– 20 sec side plank R
*try and go straight through without breaks!
Friday 4/3
3 rounds for time of:
– 200m run
– 15 burpees
– 15 thrusters
2 rounds for time of:
– 75 double unders
– 50 deadlifts
– 50 sit-ups
4 rounds for time of:
– 50m suitcase carry (25m/side)
– 8 pull-ups or 8/side bent over rows
– 12 alternating goblet hold reverse lunge
Saturday 4/4
Start a timer, at 0:00…
– 1 mile run
Then 3 rounds:
At 15:00…
– 1 mile run
Then 3 rounds:
At 30:00
– 1 mile run
Then 3 rounds:
*Scale the run to 800, 600, 400 if needed. It should account for about 7-10 minutes of work.
Sunday 4/5
Goals for your rest days:
– Get your meals planned. Because you are going to be cooking a lot more, now is the time to dial in nutrition and plan out the rest of the week. If you need help, remember RJ runs our nutrition program
– Get some Vitamin D. Just because we are undergoing a quarantine doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. Get out and get moving on a long walk, run or bike ride.
– Get 10,000 steps. You are more than likely going to be moving less than normal. This is a good time to try and get in a minimum of 10,000 steps per day.
– Get some rest. Try and strive for a bedtime that gives you at least 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. No bright screens at least an hour before bed!
– Get creative. This week’s workouts are going to require a heavy bag of some sort. Our advice is to use a backpack filled with something heavy like books wrapped in a blanket for additional padding.