A) Every 2.5 minutes x 6 sets:

– 4 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set +5%

*RPE on squats should be an 8


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 1 lap heavy sled drag

– 8 DB lat pull-overs

– 12-15 DB or BB skullcrushers


C) 4-5 hill sprints

– rest on walk down


A) Every 4 minutes x 3 sets:
– 10 overhead presses @ RPE 6.5

– 10 Romanian deadlifts @ 65-70%

*Presses should be at same weight or slightly less than last week.

* RDLs should be at same weight as last week.


B) 4 rounds for time:

– 500/400m row

– 8 ground to overhead (115/75)

February Event Calendar (Programming Overview: Feb. 4-10)

February 2019 (1)

We’ve got a month full of some special events capped of by the start of the 2019 CrossFit Open! Check them out and click the links to find out more/sign up…

  • Muscle-Up Clinic (Sunday 2/10): With the 2019 CrossFit Games Open only a month away it’s time to get that muscle-up! We are throwing a 2 hour muscle up clinic on Sunday 2/10 from 10am-12pm. You’ll learn muscle-up progressions and come away with homework to help further your skill. Oh and it’s only $10.
  • Pablo Memorial WOD (Saturday 2/16): This annual workout is in remembrance of a very special gym member named Pablo Pedraza. You can find out more about Pablo and the start of this WOD here. Sign up for Heat 1 at 8am or Heat 2 at 9am. There will be an RX, Scaled 1, and Scaled 2 version of this unique Hero WOD.
  • Start Of The 2019 CrossFit Open (Thursday 2/21): At the end of every February we take on the CrossFit Open which is one workout per week which are released on Thursday nights. Sign up for the Open officially with Team EDCF and perform the workouts at our Friday Night Lights events or take them on in classes on Fridays starting on February 21st and going through March 21st!


Monday 2/4

A) E4MOM x 4 sets:

– Back Squat x 10 @ 70-75%

*Complete squats at a little heavier than last week’s weight.


B) EMOM x 10-15 minutes

– 30 double unders

– 3 deadlifts

*Deadlifts should be around 65% of 1RM.

*If needed, scale DUs to 10-20 reps or singles.

*Goal is to complete work within 40 seconds.


Tuesday 2/5

A) E2MOM x 9 sets:

– Sets 1-3: 3 high hang snatch

– Sets 4-6: 2 hang snatch

– Sets 7-9: 1 snatch

*Build up to a tough but crisp weight.


B)  AMRAP in 8 minutes:

– 1 power snatch (95/65)

– 1 overhead squat

– 1 chest to bar pull-up

*Increase movements by 1 rep each round.


C) 3 sets for quality of:

– 12-15 reverse snow angel

– 20 alternating elevated psoas march


Wednesday 2/6

A) 2 total sets of…

2 min AMRAP:

– 200m run, then in remaining time…

  • Toes to bar


2 min AMRAP:

– 250/200m row, then in remaining time…

  • Double unders


2 min AMRAP:

– 200m run, then in remaining time…

  • Box jump overs (24/20”)


2 min AMRAP:

– 250/200m row, then in remaining time…

  • DB devil presses (35/25)


2 min AMRAP:

– 200m run, then in remaining time…

  • Burpees to target



B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 BB weighted hip extensions from floor

– 10/side bent over DB rows

– 30 crunches


Thursday 2/7

A) Every 4 minutes x 3 sets:
– 10 overhead presses @ RPE 6.5

– 10 Romanian deadlifts @ 65-70%

*Presses should be at same weight or slightly less than last week.

* RDLs should be at same weight as last week.


B) 4 rounds for time:

– 500/400m row

– 8 ground to overhead (115/75)


Friday 2/8

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 6 sets:

– 4 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set +5%

*RPE on squats should be an 8


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 1 lap heavy sled drag

– 8 DB lat pull-overs

– 12-15 DB or BB skullcrushers


C) 4-5 hill sprints

– rest on walk down


Saturday 2/9

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym / Strength Program


Sunday 2/10

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym / Muscle-Up Clinic

A) E4MOM x 4 sets:

– Back Squat x 10 @ 70-75%

*Complete squats at a little heavier than last week’s weight.


B) EMOM x 10-15 minutes

– 30 double unders

– 3 deadlifts

*Deadlifts should be around 65% of 1RM.

*If needed, scale DUs to 10-20 reps or singles.

*Goal is to complete work within 40 seconds.

A) Every 3 minutes x 5 sets:

– 5 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set +5%

*RPE on squats should be an 8


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 DB walking lunges

– 12-15 ring dips*

– 12-15 supine DB hamstring

– 12-15 strict pull-ups*


*Use a band to go full range of motion and make sets as unbroken as possible.