The 2019 CrossFit Open Is Here! (Programming Overview: Feb. 18-24)

2019 Friday Night Lights (2)

The 2019 CrossFit Open starts this week with the first of five workouts dropping on Thursday evening at 7pm. What is the Open? It’s a series of five workouts over 5 weeks that are released on Thursday evenings and must be completed and recorded online via the Games website by Monday evening. The Open is a way to filter top athletes into the CrossFit Games. For our members, though, it’s a community event where you can apply your fitness and push yourself similar to a runner who trains and completes their first 5K, half, or full marathon.

There are both scaled and RX divisions. We will be doing the workouts as the normal class workouts on Fridays but will reserve Friday 5:30 & 6:30pm classes for Friday Night Lights. This is where those who have officially signed up under EDCF on the Games Website (click the link to sign up) can come in a complete there workouts in a more high energy atmosphere. We encourage everyone to sign up and come in and complete each week’s workout on Friday evenings! We also encourage any members who aren’t signing up to come in and help judge and cheer on your peers. Friday Night Lights are also BYOB!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Open, please let either myself or RJ know. Hope to see everyone on Friday for workout 19.1!


Monday 2/18

A) E2.5MOM x 6 sets:

– 3 push press + 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Perform at 55-75% 1RM jerk.


B) Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes (4 sets) for times of:

– 500/400 Meter Row

– 16 alternating DB snatch

– 8-12 strict handstand push-Ups

*Sub HPSU w/ baneded HSPUs or L-seated DB presses.

*Push intensity on the row.


Tuesday 2/19

A) Every 2 minutes x 8 sets:

– 2 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set + 2-5%

*RPE on squats should be an 8


B) AMRAP in 7 minutes:

– 2 thrusters (95/65)

– 2 strict pull-ups

– 4 thrusters

– 4 strict pull-ups

… add 2 reps each round.

*RX+ use 115/75.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 8 bent over IYTs (thumb up, slow and controlled)

– 16 elevated psoas march


Wednesday 2/20

A) E2MOM x 9 sets:

– Sets 1-3: 3 high hang clean

– Sets 4-6: 2 hang clean

– Sets 7-9: 1 clean

*Build up to a tough but crisp weight.


B) CrossFit Games Open Event 14.4

AMRAP in 14 minutes

– 60 calorie Row

– 50 Toes-to-Bars

– 40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 to 10/9 ft)

– 30 Cleans (135/95)

– 20 Muscle-Ups


Thursday 2/21

A) E3MOM x 5 sets – bench press

Set 1: 8 @ 77.5%

Sets 2-5: 8 @ 72.5%

*After every set perform 8/side bent over DB rows.


B) E4MOM x 4-6 sets

– 200m run

– 6 deadlifts (225/155)

– 9 box jumps + step down (24/20”)

– 12 push ups


*RX+ use 275/205


Friday 2/22

Open WOD 19.1


Saturday 2/23

8am Masters

9am CrossFit

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym / Strength Program


Sunday 2/24

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym

A) E2.5MOM x 6 sets:

– 3 push press + 2 push jerk + 1 split jerk

*Perform at 55-75% 1RM jerk.


B) Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes (4 sets) for times of:

– 500/400 Meter Row

– 16 alternating DB snatch

– 6-12 strict handstand push-Ups

*Sub HPSU w/ baneded HSPUs or L-seated DB presses.

*Push intensity on the row.

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 8 sets:

– 3 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set + 2-5%

*RPE on squats should be an 8


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 1 lap lateral sled drag

– 12-15 bent over BB rows

– 1 lap waiters carry

– 12-15 DB or BB skullcrushers

The 2019 CrossFit Open starts next Thursday, February 2/21. Sign up with team EDCF and compete officially at Friday Night Lights every Friday starting at 5:30pm.

A) E3MOM x 5 sets – bench press

Set 1: 6 @ 80%

Sets 2-5: 6 @ 75%

*After every set perform 8-12 medball hamstring curls


B) 3 sets:

– 45 sec max BB Curtis P’s (75/55)


– 45 sec max strict pull-ups


– 45 sec max HR push-ups


– 45 sec max double unders


– 45 sec max burpee to target

R15S + 2M
The 2019 CrossFit Open starts next Thursday, February 2/21. Sign up with team EDCF and compete officially at Friday Night Lights every Friday starting at 5:30pm.

A) “CrossFit Games Open Event 18.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

– 8 Toes-to-Bar

– 10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35 lbs) (5 each arm)

– 14/12 Calorie Row


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 12-15 banded tricep push-downs

– 12-15 reverse snow angels

– 12-15 DB bicep curls

– 12-15 DB lateral raises

The 2019 CrossFit Open starts next Thursday, February 2/21. Sign up with team EDCF and compete officially at Friday Night Lights every Friday starting at 5:30pm.




A) EMOM x 12 sets:

– 1 snatch

*Build from 50-95+%.

*First 6 sets catch with a pause at the bottom.


B) E3MOM x 4-7 sets:

– 200m run

– 8 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

– 7 pull-ups

– 6 burpees over the bar


RX+ 155/105 & CTB pull-ups


Pablo Memorial WOD (Programming Overview: Feb. 11-17)

Pablo Memorial WOD

Join us for our annual Pablo Memorial WOD this upcoming Saturday (2/16). We’ll be running 2 heats. One starting at 8am and the other at 9am. All members are welcome to join in! SIGN UP FOR A HEAT HERE.

Pablo Pedraza was a member at EDCF who was senselessly murdered a few years ago. He left a huge impact on the gym and EDCF was his happy place. You can find out more information about Pablo HERE. Every year we honor his life with this Hero WOD:

For time (RX):
– 1 mile run
– 10 deadlifts (135/95)
– 20 hang power cleans
– 30 shoulder to overhead
– 40 pull-ups
– 30 deadlifts
– 20 hang power cleans
– 10 shoulder to overhead
– 1 mile run

For time (Scaled):
– 800m run
– 10 deadlifts (95/65)
– 20 hang power cleans
– 30 shoulder to overhead
– 40 pull-ups (scaled with bands or ring rows)
– 30 deadlifts
– 20 hang power cleans
– 10 shoulder to overhead
– 800m run

For time (Masters):
– 400m run or 500/400m row
– 10 DB deadlifts (95/65)
– 15 DB hang power cleans
– 20 DB push press
– 25 pull-ups (scaled with bands or ring rows)
– 20 DB deadlifts
– 15 DB hang power cleans
– 10 DB shoulder to overhead
– 400m run 500/400m row

*You can mix and match scaling levels to find the right combination for you.


Monday 2/11

A) E4MOM x 3 sets:

– 8/side alternating BB back rack weighted lunges

– 8/side alternating DB bench press

– 8 V-ups w/ medball


B) Five sets for max calories/reps of:

– 30 seconds of max calories rowing

– 30 seconds of thrusters (75/55 lbs)

Rest 2 minutes


Tuesday 2/12

A) EMOM x 12 sets:

– 1 snatch

*Build from 50-95+%.

*First 6 sets catch with a pause at the bottom.


B) E3MOM x 4-7 sets:

– 200m run

– 8 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

– 7 pull-ups

– 6 burpees over the bar


RX+ 155/105 & CTB pull-ups


Wednesday 2/13

A) “CrossFit Games Open Event 18.1

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

– 8 Toes-to-Bar

– 10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35 lbs) (5 each arm)

– 14/12 Calorie Row


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 12-15 banded tricep push-downs

– 12-15 reverse snow angels

– 12-15 DB bicep curls

– 12-15 DB lateral raises


Thursday 2/14

A) E3MOM x 5 sets – bench press

Set 1: 6 @ 80%

Sets 2-5: 6 @ 75%

*After every set perform 8-12 medball hamstring curls


B) 3 sets:

– 45 sec max BB Curtis P’s (75/55)


– 45 sec max strict pull-ups


– 45 sec max HR push-ups


– 45 sec max double unders


– 45 sec max burpee to target



Friday 2/15

A) Every 2.5 minutes x 8 sets:

– 3 front squats @ last week’s heaviest set + 2-5%

*RPE on squats should be an 8


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 1 lap lateral sled drag

– 12-15 bent over BB rows

– 1 lap waiters carry

– 12-15 DB or BB skullcrushers


Saturday 2/16

8am Pablo WOD heat 1

9am Pablo WOD heat 2

10am Intro To CrossFit / Open Gym / Strength Program


Sunday 2/17

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym / Muscle-Up Clinic

A) E4MOM x 3 sets:

– 8/side alternating BB back rack weighted lunges

– 8/side alternating DB bench press

– 8 V-ups w/ medball


B) Five sets for max calories/reps of:

– 30 seconds of max calories rowing

– 30 seconds of thrusters (75/55 lbs)

Rest 2 minutes