A1) HBBS 6-8×3 @ 31×1; rest 90 sec

A2) Weighted/Negative (4 sec) pull-ups 6-8×3; rest 90 sec

B) 16 min emom

Odd – 6 burpees

Even – 6 thrusters (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)


A) 7×2 Pause snatch; 1-2 min

B1) Snatch grip behind the neck push press 4-6 reps x3; rest 30 sec

B2) Snatch first pull (pause at knee for 1 count) 4-6 reps @20X1 x3; rest 30 sec

B3) Russian step-ups 5-8 reps/side x 3; rest 2 min

C) 3xME handstand holds/floor FLR


*lower the weight enough on the Pendlay row to pause 1 sec with bar in contact with chest

Wish Y’all The Best!

Big things have happened with two of our oldest members, Jen and Mason, recently with even bigger things happening around the corner! Mason and Jen got engaged a few months ago and just bought a house together! They are getting married in March of next year and our community couldn’t be happier for the two of them. The only thing is that this house they bought happens to be in Allen which unfortunately means their tenure at EDCF must come to an end.

We wish these two the best from here on out and hope to see them soon! They helped mold the foundation of our community and have been nothing but supportive with everything over the past two years. Thank you for everything, Jen and Mason. You always have a place to sweat at EDCF.

5 rounds:

– 8 Clean & Jerks TnG

– Row 90 sec at 90%

– walk/rest 5 min


Finisher: Shoulder mobility


*C&J should build in weight and end around 8RM


As many rounds in 12 min @ 80-85%:
– 12 walking lunges
– 5 wall walks/5 backwards inch worm w/ push-up
– 2 TGUP/arm

rest walk 6 min

As many rounds in 12 min @ 80-85%:
– 3 high box jump (30/24) – step down
– 3 burpee ring MU/6 burpee pull-ups/6 burpee jumping pull-ups
– amrap unbroken DU’s/75 single unders

– sustainable work in these 12 min pieces
– keep form over fatigue present in these
– record BJ height, TGU weight and DU sets

A) High Bar Back Squat – Build to a heavy 3 reps in 10 min
B) Build/warm up to close grip bench press and Romanian deadlift weights
C) EMOM x12 with a partner:
Odd – Close grip bench press @20X1; 3-4 reps (around 70% 1RM, or 60% 1RM regular bench)
Even – Romanian deadlift x3-4reps; TnG reps at a tough but fluid weight

*If not sure of weight on CGBP and RDL then add/subtract weight per set