
A) E2M x 8 sets


– 12-16 alternating Landmine cossack squats


– 8-12/side SA standing DB presses

– 10-20 sec top of ring row hold

*Last day for these movements

B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd: 12/9 cal row + 5 double DB hang squat clean thrusters 

Even: 12/9 cal row + 5, 7 or 9 hanging knee raise (pick one a stick to it)


A) E2M x 8 sets

– 1 clean

*Receive in full squat if able

B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd: 15/12 cal row + 5 squat clean thrusters (115/75, 95/65)

Even: 15/12 cal row + 5, 7 or 9 toes to bar (pick one a stick to it)

reserve a class

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 8 BB Romanian deadlifts @ 2011 tempo

– 8-12 dips (scaled, BW or weighted)

– 8-12/side DB bent over row

*start RDLs at 50-60% or 1RM deadlift


B) EMOM x 10-20 sec

– 4-6 SA DB hang power cleans (3/side @ 50/35)

– 4-6 goblet squats

– 4-6 push-ups


B) EMOM x 10-20 sec

– 6 SA DB hang power cleans (3/side @ 50/35)

– 6 goblet squats

– 6/4 push-ups

RX+ complete with 3-6 HSPUs

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 10-15/side SA DB incline press

– 10-20 alternating KB gorilla rows

– 10 supine medball hamstring curls (slow out/fast in)


B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:
– 6 RKB swings 

– 5 strict pull-ups

– 4 box step-ups


B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:
– 6 RKB swings (53/35)

– 5 pull-ups

– 4 box jump overs (24/20”)

RX+ complete with 8-6-4 rep scheme

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 10-15/side SA DB incline press

– 10-20 alternating KB gorilla rows

– 10 supine medball hamstring curls (slow out/fast in)


B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:
– 6 RKB swings 

– 5 strict pull-ups

– 4 box step-ups


B) EMOM x 10-20 sets:
– 6 RKB swings (53/35)

– 5 pull-ups

– 4 box jump overs (24/20”)

RX+ complete with 8-6-4 rep scheme


E8M x 4-6 sets:

– 400m run (sub 300m)

– 10 DB push press

– 10 reverse lunges (2, 1 or no DBs)

– 10 hanging knee raise

– 10 ring rows

– 30 single unders

*Switch up the order every set


E8M x 4-6 sets:

– 400m run

– 12 shoulder to overhead (115/75)

– 12 BB reverse lunges

– 12 toes to bar

– 12 ring rows

– 36 double unders

*Switch up the order every set

Monday 3/11


A) E2M x 8 sets


– 12-16 alternating Landmine cossack squats


– 8-12/side SA standing DB presses

– 10-20 sec top of ring row hold

B) E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 16/12 cal row

– 6 DB hang squat cleans

– 12/9 cal row 

– 5-10 dips

– 5 burpees (sub up/downs)


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: 1 hang clean, 1 clean

Sets 5-8: 1 clean

*Receive in full squat if able

B) E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 20/16 cal row

– 5 touch and go squat cleans (115/75)

– 15/12 cal row 

– 5-10 ring dips

– 5 burpees over the barbell

RX+ use 135/95

Fitness & Performance

A) CrossFit Open Workout 24.2

AMRAP in 20 min:

– 300m row

– 10 deadlifts

– 50 double unders

RX – 185/135, Scaled – 135/95

B) 3 sets:

– 5/side TGUP sit-ups

– 10-20/side SA banded tricep push-downs

– 10-20 alt. DB bicep curls