
A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 3 BB bench press

After odd sets…

– 3-5 negative pull-ups (2-4 sec descent)

After even sets…

– 10/side shoulder external rotations

*Sub BB bench with DBs at 53X1 tempo x 5 reps


A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 2-3 bench press @ 1-2 RIR

After odd sets…

– 3-5 strict pull-ups (weighted if able)

After even sets…

– 10/side shoulder external rotations

*Should be around 80-85+% and heavier than last week

Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 1 length hand over hand sled pull

– 10 heel elevated goblet squats w/ pause

– 10/s single arm DB press

– 10 supine YWYs (thumbs up, forehead down)


Conditioning Option

E10M x 3 sets:

– 500m row

– 400m run

– 1000m bike

*Complete in any order to make sure bikes are open

*Sub 500m ski 

Scale to 400/300/800m or less if needed

reserve a class


A) E2M x 8 sets

Odd sets:

– 8/side staggered stance DB Romanian deadlifts

*Show control on descent

Even sets:

– 8-12 BB strict press (from floor)

– 16 alternating KB gorilla rows

B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd: 12/9 cal row + 5 DB hang squat clean to thruster 

Even: 12/9 cal row + 3 burpees + 7 ring rows


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: 1 clean + 1 push press + 1 split jerk

Sets 5-8: 1 clean + 1 split jerk

*Cleans can be done in either a power or squat version

B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd: 15/12 cal row + 5 DB hang squat clean to thruster (35/20s)

Even: 15/12 cal row + 5 burpee pull-ups

Rx+ use 50/35s and/or CTB pull-ups

Fitness & Performance

A) E2.5M x 6 sets


– 8-12 DB incline press w/ pause

– 10 BB bent over rows 


– 6-8/side weighted (KB/DB) weighted box step-ups (knee height)

*Goal is to not push off of floor leg.


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 600-400-200m run

– 20-16-12 SA DB hang power snatch

– 20-16-12 air squats

– 40-32-24 single unders


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 600-400-200m run

– 24-18-12 SA DB hang power snatch (50/35)

– 24-18-12 air squats

– 48-36-24 double unders


12 rounds for time w/ a partner:

– 12/9 cal row

– 12 air squats

– 8 pull-ups

– 8 box step-ups

– 4 up/down DB devil presses 

*Alternate each movement. 


12 rounds for time w/ a partner:

– 15/12 cal row

– 15 air squats

– 12 pull-ups 

– 9 box jump overs (24/20”)

– 6 DB devil presses (35/25s)

*Alternate each movement.


A) E2.5M x 8 sets:

– 3 back squats (sub box squat)

After odd sets…

– 10/side half kneeling banded lat pull-down + side bend

After even sets…

– 10-15 DB floor press w/ pause


A) E2.5M x 8 sets:

– 2-3 back squats @ 1-2 RIR

*Should be around 80-85+%. Heavier than last week.

Fitness & Performance

B) Strength Option

3-4 sets for quality:

– 1 lap sled drag or push (forward facing both ways)

– 10-20 band/cable tricep push-downs

– 5/side red banded supine hip flexion w/ 5 sec pause

– 10+ BB drag curls (until failure)


Conditioning Option

E5M x 3-5 sets:

– 500/400m row/ski or 1000/800m bike 

– 10 plate ground to overhead

– 10 box step-ups

– 10 plate Russian twists


A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 4 BB bench press

– 3 negative pull-up

*Sub BB bench with DBs at 53X1 tempo

B) 5 rounds for time:

– 15 RKB swings

– 10 push-ups

– 10 box step-ups

– 200m run



A) E3M x 6 sets:

– 3 bench press @ 1-2 RIR

After odd sets…

– 3-5 strict pull-ups (weighted if able)

After even sets…

– 10/side shoulder external rotations

*Should be around 80-85+% and heavier than last week

B) 5 rounds for time:

– 20 RKB swings (53/35)

– 15/12 push-ups

– 10 box jump overs (24/20”)

– 200m run



E6M x 5-8 sets

– 400m run or 1000/800m bike

– 5 DB up/down devil press 

– 10 prisoner everse lunges 

– 5-10 strict pull-ups

– 10 lemon squeezes

– 5 burpees


E6M x 5-8 sets

– 400m run or 1000/800m bike

– 5 DB devil press (35/20s)

– 10 DB reverse lunges 

– 5-10 strict or 10 kipping pull-ups

– 10 lemon squeezes

– 5 burpees to target


A) E2M x 8 sets

Odd sets:

– 8/side staggered stance DB Romanian deadlifts

*Show control on descent

Even sets:

– 8-12 BB strict press (from floor)

– 16 alternating KB gorilla rows

B) 15 min AMRAP:

– 2 SA DB power clean + push press (1/arm)

– 4 hanging knee raises

– 6 air squats

– 20 single unders

*Increase PC+PP by 2 reps each round


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-4: 1 clean + 1 push press + 1 split jerk

Sets 5-8: 1 clean + 1 split jerk

B) 15 min AMRAP:

– 1 power clean + push jerk (135/95)

– 5 toes to bar

– 7 air squats

– 21 double unders

*Increase PC+PJ by 1 rep each round

*RX+ use 155/105