A) E3M x 6 sets:
– 3 BB bench press
After odd sets…
– 3-5 negative pull-ups (2-4 sec descent)
After even sets…
– 10/side shoulder external rotations
*Sub BB bench with DBs at 53X1 tempo x 5 reps
A) E3M x 6 sets:
– 2-3 bench press @ 1-2 RIR
After odd sets…
– 3-5 strict pull-ups (weighted if able)
After even sets…
– 10/side shoulder external rotations
*Should be around 80-85+% and heavier than last week
Fitness & Performance
B) Strength Option
3-4 sets for quality:
– 1 length hand over hand sled pull
– 10 heel elevated goblet squats w/ pause
– 10/s single arm DB press
– 10 supine YWYs (thumbs up, forehead down)
Conditioning Option
E10M x 3 sets:
– 500m row
– 400m run
– 1000m bike
*Complete in any order to make sure bikes are open
*Sub 500m ski
Scale to 400/300/800m or less if needed