
A) E2M x 8 sets


– 8/side front foot elevated split squats (knee over toe focus)


– 16 alt DB incline presses

– 16 alt KB chest supported row

B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd sets: 12/9 cal row + 5 DB hang squat cleans

Even sets: 12/9 cal row + 9-12 push-ups


A) E2M x 8 sets

Sets 1-2: 2 x pause cleans (2 sec at knee)

Sets 3-4: 1 x pause clean

Sets 5-8: 1 clean

*Receive in full squat if able

B) E2M x 8-12 sets

Odd sets: 15/12 cal row + 5 TnG squat cleans

Even sets: 15/12 cal row + 12/9 push-ups

Fitness & Performance

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 8 bench press @ RPE 7-8

– 8-12 banded straight arm lat pull-downs

– 8-12 bent over reverse flys w/ pause

B) “Helen”

3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups

C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 reverse snow angels

– 10/side banded hip flexors

A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 8 front squats 

– 16 alt. tall kneeling DB piston press

– 16 alt. KB gorilla rows

B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 1 DB thruster 

– 3 hanging knee raises

– 15 single unders

*Add one thruster every round


A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 8 front squats @ 8-9 RPE

*Up from last time’s 7-8 RPE

B) 12 min AMRAP:

– 1 BB thruster (95/65)

– 3 toes to bar

– 15 double unders

*Add one thruster every round

*Rx+ use 115/75

Fitness & Performance

C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 sec/side Copenhagen plank

– 10/side DB external rotations @ 8-10% bench press 1RM


EMOM x 4-7 sets

1: 12/9 or 10/7 cal row

2: 10 plate ground to overhead

3: 8 box step-ups (24/20”)

4: 10 lemon squeezes

5: 12/9 push-ups (elevate if needed)

6: rest


EMOM x 5-8 sets

1: 15/12 cal row

2: 12 plate ground to overhead

3: 9 box jump overs (24/20”)

4: 12 plate overhead walking lunges

5: 15/12 push-ups

6: rest

RX+ complete without rest station


“Eva Strong-ish”

5 rounds for time with a partner:

– 24 single unders (each)

– 19 hanging knee raises (total)

– 2/s SA DB hang clean + push press (each)

– 400m run (together)


“Eva Strong”

5 rounds for time with a partner:

– 24 double unders (each)

– 19 toes to bar (total)

– 2 clean and jerks (total)

– 400m run (together)

205/135, 185/115, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65

Eva Mireles, 44, died on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, while shielding her fourth-grade students from a gunman at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Mireles’ co-teacher, Irma Garcia, and 19 students were also killed in the shooting.

Mireles was in her 17th year of teaching in the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District and held certifications in special education and bilingual education.

In addition to regularly running before school, she also enjoyed hiking, and friends and relatives recall she could be found in her CrossFit gym almost every day after school. Earlier that year, she participated in the CrossFit Open for the ninth time.


E10M x 3-5 sets:

– 400m row

– 16 RKB swings 

– 16 box step-ups

– 400m run

– 12 strict or jumping pull-ups

– 32 single unders


E10M x 3-5 sets:

– 500/400m row

– 20 RKB swings (53/35)

– 16 box step-ups

– 400m run

– 16 pull-ups

– 32 double unders


A) E3M x 5 sets:

– 8-12/side half kneeling landmine presses

– 12 alternating DB goblet hold weighted step-ups

– 20 sec top of ring row hold

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 400m row

– 12-9-6-3 DB hang power cleans

– 15-12-9-6 wallballs


A) E3M x 5 sets:

– 2.2.2 TnG power clean + push jerk clusters

R10S between doubles

B) 4 rounds for time:

– 500/400m row

– 12-9-6-3 power cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)

– 24-18-12-6 wallballs (20/14)