A. Power Clean – build to a 1RM in 8 min

rest EXACTLY 2 min

B. Power Clean – 90% AMRepsAP of part A in 8 min

C. Tabata Ring Dips/Straight legged abmat sit-ups

– 8 sets of each, alternating


– Tabata score is lowest rep number for both movements. Add them together for a total.


9/22/13 Monday

A) Back Squat; 4,3,2,1; rest 2-3 min


4 sets at 90%, each for time of:

– 10 thrusters

– 10 no push up burpee box jumps (20/16”)

– 200 m sprint

(rest walk 4 min b/t sets)

– goal is tough 1 rep on BS, go for a 1RM if feeling it

– go unbroken and add weight per set for thrusters

– find set time for each round



A) 8×1 3-Position Snatch (high to low) – rest 90sec

B1) 3xME HSPUs/5 negative HSPU/HSPU progression work; rest 30 sec

B2) 3×10/side trap raises; rest 30 sec DEMO

B3) 3×20 Reverse front rack alternating lunges – rest 60 sec.

C) 1 set ME T2B or 50 straight legged abmat sit-ups


4 sets for times:

– 15 HR push ups

– 15 KBS russian

– 20 walking lunges

– 20 DU’s

– 25 Row cals

– 25 box jumps – step down

(rest walk 3 min b/t sets)



– tight tummy and no sag for push ups

– choose KBS weight to go unbroken each set

– knee kisses ground on lunges, remain tall

– choose BJ height to create turnover but pacing

– record times


A) Build to a tough-ish split jerk off rack

B1) Close grip bench press @20X1; 10, 8, 6, 4; rest 90sec build weight

B2) DB snatch 12/side x4; TnG reps; rest 90sec

C1) Seated arnold press; 10, 8, 6, 4; rest 90sec build weight

C2) Weighted Pull-up; 2-3×4; rest 90sec


– weight to not exceed form on split jerk, work on footwork/timing/bar path


3 sets:

10 db push press

Row 60 sec @ 90%

rest walk 60 sec


3 sets:

10 db deadlifts

Row 60 sec @ 90%

rest walk 60 sec


3 sets:

10 db front squat

Row 60 sec @ 90%

rest walk 60 sec


– use db’s to ensure all reps are solid and moderately tough per set, add/subtract weight as needed, partner with whoever you need to share DBs with

– ensure ALL ROW SETS are same distance/pace/RPE

– less knee bend on DL, full depth on squat, use hips on push press


A) Build to a tough squat clean in 10 min (be smart, not too many sets)

– If you are feeling a 1RM, go for it.

B) Take 70-80% or A and perform 1 rep every 30 sec for 8 min

C) DB bent hip row heavy @20X1; 5-8/arm; rest 30sec btw arms x 3 (pull db with elbow up and db going toward hip)


“Filthy Fifty”


For time:

– 50 Box jump (24/20)

– 50 Jumping pull-ups

– 50 Kettlebell swings (35/26)

– Walking Lunge, 50 steps

– 50 Knees to elbows

– 50 Push press, 45 pounds

– 50 Back extensions

– 50 Wall ball shots (20/15)

– 50 Burpees

– 50 Double unders


30 min cut-off