
A) Split Jerk x 2-3 (build in load depending on form) – 5 sets; rest 60-90 sec


A) Split Jerk x 2-3 (80%+) – 5 sets; rest 60-90 sec

*Heavier than 2/2


B1) Close grip bench press 2-3 x4 @ 30X1; rest 30 sec

B2) Weighted pull-ups 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 1:30-2 min

or negatives with 5-6 seconds descending

C1) Seated Arnold press 3×8-10; rest 30 seconds

C2) Standing BB curls 3×8-10; res 30 sec (tighten midline, no swinging)

C3) 5 tough standing broad jumps; rest 90 sec x 3


*Compare to 1/31 & 2/2


A) Squat clean cluster 2.2.2×3; rest 15 sec/2-3 min (TnG)


B1) Front rack walking lunges; 20 tough alt. steps; 3 sets; rest 30 sec

(heavier than last time)

B2) 25 quick abmat sit-ups (legs straight) x3; rest 60 sec


B1) Front rack walking lunges; 20 tough alt. steps; 3 sets; rest 30 sec

(heavier than last week)

B2) 10-15 T2B AFAP x3; rest 60 sec


C) Row 500 m @95%

– rest 4 min x 3


*keep same average pace on rows

*Do at least 10 T2B, if UB then do 10-15 but no more than 15

*record times for each row and SC weight


A) Press 5-3-3; rest 2-3 min – build to a 3RM if able

B) EMOM x 6 min

– 1 Power clean + 3 Push jerks TnG (stay with same weight AHAP) – heavier than last time (1/23)


12-9-6-3 reps for time

– Clean and Jerk 135/95

– Burpee


*10 min cut-off


A) Deadlift cluster x 4; rest 10 sec/3 min (don’t drop from top)


3-4 rounds @ 90%:

– 500 m row

– 20 alt. DB snatches (70/40)

– 20 KB swings (heavy)

*rest 4-5 min


A) HB Back Squat 3, 2, 1, 1; R3M
– if feeling something go for it, if not shut it down and move on
– 150 wallballs for time (20/14)

* 12 min cap

A) Power snatch cluster; 3.3.3 rest 15 sec/rest 3 min


12 min amrap @80-90%:

– 5 T2B

– 10 HR pushups

– 15 box jumps or step ups (24/20”)

– 20 double unders


– record rounds

– keep constant pace



Split Jerk x 2-3 (build in load depending on form) – re-rack to shoulder – 5 sets; rest 60-90 sec


A) Split Jerk x 2-3 (75-80%) – re-rack to shoulder – 5 sets; rest 60-90 sec



For time:

3 sets 95%:

– 10 db walking lunges (tough)

– 200m row

– rest 2 min


*record load on split jerk and total time on metcon



A) Build to a heavy squat clean in 10 min

B) Front Squat @30X1; 3, 3, 3; R3M

C) 5 rounds for time:

– 5 heavy power cleans (175/115, 135/95, 95/75)

– 5 OTB burpees