– Row 1000m @65%
Rest 2:00 minutes
– Row 1000m @75%
Rest 2:00 minutes
– Row 1000m @85%
Rest 4 minutes
x2 cycles (shows 6 sets total)
3 sets not for time:
Waiters walk – 50ft/arm – challenging load
FLR on low rings – accumulate 45-90 sec per set
A) Front squat 1,1,1,1,1; R3M (compare to 2/18)
Pull-up strength pt. 1
B1) AMRAP(-1) strict pull-ups; R30S
B2) AMRAP Pendlay row at 70% 1RM BP; R30S
B3) 15-20 UB wallballs (20/14#); R2-3M x 3 sets
C) 16 alt. BBFR walking lunge steps (moderately tough/building if able); R2M
A) Build to a heavy set in 12 min
1 power clean + 2 split jerk
B) EMOM x 6 min
– 4 TnG power cleans @ 65-70% 1RM clean
12 min @ open pace:
– 6 curtis p’s w/ sandbag (60/30) or double KB (35/18)
– 10 box jumps – sd (24/20”)
– 200 m run
Monday 3/2
A) Take 20 min to build up to a 1RM Deadlift
B) Pull-up tester (pick one based on ability level)
50 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 5
30 CTB pull-ups in UB sets of 3
50 pull-ups in UB sets of 5
30 pull-ups in UB sets of 3
*Can be done with bands
For time all out!!
– Row 250m
– 15 KB swings 70/53
– 25 burpees
– 15 KB swings
– Row 250m
A) Work into 80-90% of your max Clean & Jerk
B) 15.1 movement prep (t2b, deadlift, snatch)
Workout 15.1 Variations
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 toes-to-bars
10 deadlifts (115 / 75 lb.)
5 snatches (115 / 75 lb.)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
15 hanging knee raises
10 deadlifts (85 / 55 lb.)
5 snatches* (85 / 55 lb.)
*ground-to-overhead allowed
Workout 15.1a
(All Divisions)
1-rep-max clean and jerk
6-minute time cap
*Workout 15.1 and 15.1a are back to back. There will be a 15 minute running clock. The first 9 min are 15.1 while the following 6 min are 15.1a. There is no break between the two.
Open athletes: 10 min AD or row easy + mobility work
Everyone else:
A1) Weighted/negative pull ups 3,3,3,3; R30S
A2) Good mornings 6-8×4 @ 20X1 (moderate load); R2-3M
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time:
– KB swings (heavy)
– box step-ups (24/20”)
3-4 sets tough effort:
– 5 TnG Squat Cleans (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
– 10/8 cal row
– 5 TnG Squat Cleans
– 10/8 cal row
– 5 TnG Squat Cleans
rest 5-7 mins
A1) TnG push press cluster 1.1.1; R10S/30S
A2) 6-12 UB CTB pull ups; R30S
A3) Pendlay row 5-10 reps @ 20X0 (60-70% 1RM bench press); rest 3min x 3 sets
*heavier than last week
B1) Bench press AMRAP @ 70% 1RM @ 30X0; R30S
B2) Farmer’s Carry 100m (heavy); R30S
B3) 15 V-ups; R2M x 3sets