A) 5 minutes of jerk footwork and jerk technique drills

B) Every 90 seconds x 15 minutes (10 sets) of:
– 2 power clean + 1 split jerk
*rest 10 seconds between PC singles
*start at 60% and build so something heavy

C) Every 4 minutes x 16 minutes
– Run 400m (tough pace)
– 8 UB shoulder to overhead
*start moderate and build to something heavy but UB and work on cycling.

A) Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):

Back Squat

*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%

*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%

*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%

*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%

*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%

followed by…

One set of:

Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 85% (compare to 2/29)

you can take only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift – exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top, the set is over)


B) Every 4 minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets) for times:

– Row 300/250 Meters

– 20-30 UB wallballs (20/14)

*Work on wallball cycling as these will be in one of the next 3 Open workouts.

A) Build to a heavy front squat (not a 1RM) in 8 min

– in between reps, complete 2-3 build-ups on the rower


B) Open workout 16.2


Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:

 25 toes-to-bars

 50 double-unders

 15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 toes-to-bars

 50 double-unders

 13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb.

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 toes-to-bars

 50 double-unders

 11 squat cleans, 225 / 145 lb.

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 toes-to-bars

 50 double-unders

 9 squat cleans, 275 / 175 lb.

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 toes-to-bars

 50 double-unders

 7 squat cleans, 315 / 205 lb.

Stop at 20 minutes.



Beginning on a 4-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:

 25 hanging knee raises

 50 single-unders

 15 squat cleans, 95 / 55 lb.

If completed before 4 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 hanging knee raises

 50 single-unders

 13 squat cleans, 115 / 75 lb.

If completed before 8 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 hanging knee raises

 50 single-unders

 11 squat cleans, 135 / 95 lb.

If completed before 12 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 hanging knee raises

 50 single-unders

 9 squat cleans, 155 / 115 lb.

If completed before 16 minutes, add 4 minutes to the clock and proceed to:

 25 hanging knee raises

 50 single-unders

 7 squat cleans, 185 / 135 lb.

Stop at 20 minutes.


*Since this seems pretty daunting with the number of T2B we will have everyone go at least 12 minutes and will have different options for weight additions.


**Join us for Friday Night Lights and watch our competing athletes take on this workout starting at 6:30pm!**

Every 10 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets), complete the following as quickly as possible:
– Row 1000/800m
– Run 400m
– 20 DB snatch alternating (50-70/25-45)
– 20 sit-ups

*Use this as a “flush” to prime your body for tomorrow’s 16.2 workout.

A) E2MOM x 12 min (6 sets)
– 3 push press TnG
*Start at 55-60% and build to a heavy triple.

B) Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes (6 sets of each):
Minute 1 – Row 200/150m
Minute 2 – 8 box jumps-SD 24/40”
Minute 3 – 10 push press 115/75, 95/65, 75/45
Minute 4 – 4-6 strict pull-ups
(add weight if these are easy)

A) Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
– Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90%
followed by…
One set of:
– Back Squat x Max Unbroken Reps @ 83%
(athletes are allowed only on full breathing cycle at the top of the lift –
exhale, inhale, brace and descend – once more rest is taken at the top,
the set is over)

B) Every 3 minutes x 15 minutes (5 sets) for times:
– Row 250/200 Meters
– 8 Front Squats (175/115, 155/105, 135/95, 115/75, 95/65))
– 12 Toes to Bar

A) Build to a heavy thruster off the ground in 10 minutes


B) Open Workout 16.1


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

10 overhead walking lunge steps 95/65

8 burpees over the barbell

10 overhead walking lunge steps

8 chest-to-bar pull-ups



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

10 front rack walking lunge steps 45/35

8 burpees over the barbell

10 front rack walking lunge steps

8 jumping chin-over-bar pull-ups


**Join us for Friday Night Lights and watch our competing athletes take on this workout starting at 6:30pm!**

A) Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets), complete the following as quickly as possible:
Set 1 –
– Row 500/400m
– Run 400m
– 30 perfect push-ups
Set 2 –
– Row 500/400m
– Run 400m
– 30 box jumps-SD (24/20”)
Set 3 –
– Row 500/400m
– Run 400m
– 30 wallballs (20/14)
Set 4 –
– Row 500/400m
– Run 400m
– 90 double unders (270 singles)

B) 3 sets not for time:
– 10-12 bent over rows @ 2110
– 8 muscle up turnovers on low rings (minimal leg assistance)
– 45 sec hollow rocks (don’t let heels touch the ground)