A) Every 90 sec x 4 sets each (8 sets total):

Station 1: 8 x close grip bench press @ 20X1 (50-60%)

Station 2: 8 x supinated bent over BB row


B) Every 90 sec x 4 sets each (8 sets total):

Station 1: 8 Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1 (50-60%)

Station 2: 8 x kneeling DB/KB overhead press


C) 3-4 sets AFAP:

– sled drag down and back (heavy but fast pace)

– 8 burpees AFAP

– 20 sec all out row

R2-3M between sets

A) Every 90 seconds x 3 sets:

Station 1

  • L3: 2-3 x (1 muscle up + 5 ring dips)
  • L2: 6-10 strict ring to chest pull-ups + 6-10 strict ring dips
  • L1: 6-10 x banded supinated pull-ups + 6-10 dips

Station 2

  • L3: handstand walk x 30-50 feet
  • L2: handstand walk practice with partner (split 45s/45s)
  • L1: handstand wall hold (practice taking one leg off)

Station 3

  • L3: hanging L-hold x 30 sec accumulation
  • L2: L-sit x 30 sec accumulation
  • L1: high knee hold on boxes x 30  sec accumulation


B) For time:

– Run 800m

– 40 RKB swings (53/35)

– Row 1000/800m

– 40 RKB swings

– Run 800m

A) E2MOM x 6 sets:

– 5 x box squats @ 70-75%

*Absolutely no rocking. Keep weight in heels with a widened stance.

*Weight should be about the same across all sets and slightly heavier than last week.


B) 10 to 1 reps of:

– thrusters 95/65

*Each set of thrusters is followed by 30 double unders.


C) 3 sets of:

– 10 clamshells / side

– 10 powell raises / side

A) E2MOM x 6 sets:

– split jerk

Set 1&2: 3 reps @ 65-75%

Set 3&4: 2 reps @ 75-85%

Set 5&6: 1 rep @ 85-95%

*On the first 3 sets pause 1 count at bottom of dip and at catch.


Barbell Cycling Day 2

B) E2M x 3 sets:

– 6 x UB TnG power snatches

*Build as you go. Work on efficient movement.


C) 5 rounds for time of:

– 10 toes to bar

– 8 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

– 6 burpees over the barbell

A) E2MOM x 6 sets

– 3 front squats

*Start at heaviest weight from last week’s 4’s.


B) 3 min @ 90%

– 500/400m row

– AMRAP wallballs in remaining time


3 min @ 90%

– 400m run

– AMRAP burpee DB box step ups

R2M x 2 sets total (each piece twice)

A) EMOM x 4 sets each (8 sets total):

Station 1: 10 x close grip bench press @ 20X1 (45-55%)

Station 2: 10 x supinated bent over BB row


B) EMOM x 4 sets each (8 sets total):

Station 1: 10 Romanian deadlifts @ 20X1 (45-55%)

Station 2: 10 x kneeling DB/KB overhead press


C) 3-4 sets AFAP:

– hand over hand sled pull x 1 length

– box push x 1 length


A) Every 90 seconds x 3 sets:
Station 1
L3: ring MU x 3-5 reps
L2: 6-10 strict ring pull-ups + 6-10 strict ring dips
L1: 6-10 x banded supinated pull-ups + 6-10 dips
Station 2
L3: handstand walk x 30-50 feet
L2: handstand walk practice with partner (split 45s/45s)
L1: handstand wall hold (practice taking one leg off)
Station 3
L2: L-sit x 30 – 45 sec accumulation
L1: High knee hold on boxes x 30-45 sec accumulation

B) 3 rounds for time @ 90%:
– 400m run
– 20 alternating DB snatch (50/35ish)
– 10 toes to bar

C) 3 sets for quality:
– 1 lap double KB front rack walk (slow)
– 8 banded YTWs

A) E2MOM x 5 sets:
– 5 x box squats @ 65%
*Absolutely no rocking. Keep weight in heels with slightly widened stance.

B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets
– 250/200m row
– 30 double unders
– 8 DB/KB front rack walking lunges (50/35ish)