A) E2MOM x 8 sets
– 1 push press + 2 split jerk
B) EMOM x 4-7 sets
1: 12/9 cal row
2: 10 shoulder to overhead (115/75)
3: 12 alternating farmers hold walking lunges (tough)
*RX+ row 15/12 and use 135/95.
A) E2MOM x 8 sets
– 1 push press + 2 split jerk
B) EMOM x 4-7 sets
1: 12/9 cal row
2: 10 shoulder to overhead (115/75)
3: 12 alternating farmers hold walking lunges (tough)
*RX+ row 15/12 and use 135/95.
A) E3MOM x 6 sets – back squat
Set 1: 5 @ RPE 10
Sets 2-6: 5 back squats @ 90% of set 1
B) 5 rounds for time:
– 5 power cleans (185/125)
– 10 burpees over the barbell
A) E3MOM x 6 sets – bench press
Set 1: 5 @ RPE 10
Sets 2-6: 5 @ 82%
Alternate stations after each set (3 each)
Station 1: 10 L-seated band rows
Stations 2: 5 weighted pull-ups or 2-3 negative pull-ups
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 30 seconds front loaded march
– bent over hand over hand sled pull
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 20 front rack KB weighted walking lunges AHAP
– 12-15 overhead BB extensions
A) E2MOM x 8 sets:
– 1 hang clean + 1 power clean + 2 front squats
B) 3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 8 front squats
– 12 ring dips
*Barbell comes from the floor. Use approximately 75% of 1RM front squat weight.
*RX+ perform 4 ring muscle ups instead of dips.
C) 3 sets:
– waiters carry down and back (1 length/arm)
– 30 sec/side side plank
A) E3MOM x 6 sets – deadlift
Set 1: 4 @ 84-88%
Sets 2-6: 4 @ 90% of set 1
B) 10 min AMRAP:
– 30 double unders
– 10 alternating DB snatches (50/35ish)
– 4 overhead DB reverse lunges (2/arm)
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 8-12 slide hamstring curls
– AMRAP close grip push-ups (-1)
A) At 0:00
3 rounds for time:
– 20/15 cal row
– 16 wall balls
– 12 toes to bar
At 10:00
– Run 800m
– in remaining time until 18:00 perform burpee box jump overs (24/20”)
At 20:00
3 rounds for time:
– 20/15 cal row
– 16 KB swings (53/35)
– 12 lemon squeezes
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 1 length / arm suitcase carry (slow)
– 10/side banded twists @ 2111
– 30 sec flutter kick
A) EMOM x 10 sets:
– 1 push press
*Start at weight for last week’s toughest set of 2.
B) Three sets for max reps of:
– 60 seconds of DB box step overs (55/35, 20/16″)
– 60 seconds of strict handstand push-ups
– 60 seconds of HR push-ups
– 60 seconds of strict pull-ups
Rest 60 seconds
C) 3 sets for quality:
– 8-10 bent over BB rows
– 12-15 banded face pulls
– 6/let single leg elevated glute bridge w/ 5 sec pause (on bench)
A) E3MOM x 6 sets
– 5 back squats @ last week’s top set weight (RPE 8)
B) 5 sets:
– heavy sled drag down and back (heavy)
– hill sprint (half, ¾, full pace x 3)
C) 3 sets:
– 6-8 strict toes to bar
– 12-15 DB/BB curls
– 8-12/side DB tricep kickbacks