
A) E2MOM x 8 sets (4 each)

Station 1: 12 BB hip thrusts + 12 upright DB or KB rows

Station 2: 20 sec side plank / side 



A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 1 power snatch + overhead squat + hang snatch

*Catch the hang snatch in full squat if able.


Fitness & Performance

B) 3 sets for quality:

– 8-12/side rear foot elevated split squats

– 8-12 seated BB press

– 2 laps suitcase carry (1 lap/arm)

– 8-12 reverse flys on rings (sub bent over w/ DBs)



A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 8 deadlifts (heavier than last week)

– 8 L-seated DB press

– 8 alternating DB plank row


B) E3MOM x 4-7 sets:

– 250/200m  or 200/150mrow

– 12 alternating double KB front rack walking lunges (tough)

– 9 double KB deadlifts

– 6 strict pull-ups



A) E3M x 4 sets – deadlift

Set 1: 8 @ 76%

Sets 2-4: 8 @ 70%


B) E3MOM x 4-7 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 12 alternating double KB front rack walking lunges (tough)

– 9 double KB deadlifts

– 6 chest to bar pull-ups


*Goal is to keep pacing the same set to set



E8MOM x 4-5 sets:

– 400m run 

– 10 double KB front squats

– 15 sit-ups

– 20 single arm DB push press (10/arm)

– 50 single unders (sub 40 lateral line hops)



E8MOM x 4-5 sets:

– 400m run

– 10 front squats @ 30%

– 15 toes to bar

– 20 single arm DB push press (10/arm)

– 40 double unders


*Try and keep pacing the exact same while also switching the order of movements every set.



A) E2MOM x 8 sets (4 each)

Station 1: 4/side landmine goblet squat to single arm thruster + 8 ring rows

Station 2: 8 DB/KB Romanian deadlifts + 8 lemon squeezes


B) For time:

– 40/30 cal row

– 30 wall balls

– 15 double DB hang power cleans

– 30/22 cal row

– 25 wall balls

– 12 double DB hang power cleans

– 20/15 cal row

– 20 wall balls

– 9 double DB hang power cleans


Performance – clean and jerk complex

A) E2MOM x 8 sets:

– 1 power clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 jerk


B) For time:

– 50 cal row

– 40 wall balls (20/14)

– 15 power cleans (115/75)

– 40 cal row

– 30 wall balls

– 12 power cleans (155/105)

– 30 cal row

– 20 wall balls

– 9 power cleans (185/125)


Scaled weights: 95/65, 115/75, 135/85


A) E4M x 4 sets – bench press

– 10 bench press (try and build or maintain weight) 

– 8/side bent over DB rows


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 200m run

– 12 RKB swings 

– 9/7 push-ups



A) E4M x 4 sets – bench press

Set 1: 10 @ 72%

Sets 2-4: 10 @ 65%

*After every set perform 8/side bent over DB rows.


B) 5 rounds for time:

– 200m run

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)

– 12/9 HR push-ups

RX+ sub 6/6 (12 total) KB snatches for swings.


Fitness & Performance

C) 3 sets for quality:

– 20 alternating DB curls

– 10 reps of delt triad (front raise, lateral raise, overhead press)


A) E4M x 3 sets:

– 10 back squats (moderate weight, perfect form

– 10 KB upright rows

– 10 DB bent over reverse laterals



A) E4M x 3 sets – back squats
Set 1: 10 back squats @ 68-72%

Sets 2&3: 10 back squats @ 65%


Fitness & Performance

B) 3 sets for quality:

– 10-15 tempo push-ups @ 1111

– heavy sled drag down and back

– contralateral carry (farmer’s/waiter’s carry)


C) 2 sets of Arm Farm


A) E2MOM x 4 sets each:

Station 1: 8 seated BB/DB presses + 8 single arm ring rows R

Station 2: 15-20 banded good mornings + 8 single arm ring rows L


B) 3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 250/200m or 200/150m row

– 8 alternating DB snatches

– 6 strict pull-ups

– 4 burpees (sub NPU burpees)

*RX+ perform chest to bar pull-ups.  



A) E90S x 10 sets – split jerk

Sets 1-3: 2 @ 60-75%

Sets 4-6: 2 @ 75-85%

Sets 7-10: 1 @ 85-90%


B) 3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 6 hang power snatch (95/65)

– 6 pull-ups

– 6 burpees over the barbell

*RX+ perform chest to bar pull-ups. 


A) E3M x 4 sets – deadlift

– 8 deadlifts @ moderately heavy weight

– 8/side half kneeling pallof presses

– 8-12 hanging knee raises


B) Three rounds for time of

– 15 RKB swings 

– 60 single unders

Immediately followed by. . .

Three rounds for time of:

– 12 DB thrusters 

– 60 single unders

Immediately followed by. . .

Three rounds for time of:

– 9 toes to bar

– 60 single unders



A) E3M x 4 sets – deadlift

Set 1: 8 @ 72-76%

Sets 2-4: 8 @ 68%


B) Three rounds for time of

– 15 RKB swings (53/35)

– 40 double unders

Immediately followed by. . .

Three rounds for time of:

– 12 DB thrusters (35/25)

– 40 double unders

Immediately followed by. . .

Three rounds for time of:

– 9 toes to bar

– 40 double unders