Deck of cards:

Spades – goblet/front squat

Clubs – burpees

Hearts – sit-ups

Diamonds – alternating DB snatch

Jokers – 400m run


Put cards face down. Flip over cards and do the assigned rep number for the corresponding suit. For example, a 10 of clubs is 10 burpees. Jacks = 11 reps, Queens = 12 reps, and Kings = 13 reps.


Don’t have a physical deck? Download on app…

iOS app

Android app


1 round

– 1 mile run

– 50 burpees (yes, it will suck a little less this time)

2 rounds:

– 800m run

– 35 jumping squats

3 rounds: 

– 600m run

– 20 alternating single sided V-ups


A) 3-4 sets:

– 20 alternating DB gorilla rows (substitute two objects you can hold onto)

– 20 heal elevated (2-3” goblet squats)


B) 15 min AMRAP:

– 200m run, hill run up and down, 60 sec other cardio equipment

– 12 wallballs

– 10 KB swings, double KB snatch from hang, or heavy object ground to overhead

– 8/side push press (KB, DB, or get creative)


No equipment version: sub wallballs with skater jumps.

A) 3-4 sets:

– 20 walking death march (add weight to hands)

– 10/side single arm DB presses

– 20 alternating bicep curls (or 10/side if using one object)


No equipment version: find a substitute weight for the dumbell that works for the prescribed reps number.


B) E3MOM x 4-8 sets:

– 200m run

– 5-10 burpees

– 20 double unders, 40 single unders, or 20 lateral hops

*Keep intensity the same every round. 


C) 1 set with little to no breaks:

– 10 abmat sit-ups

– 10 lemon squeezes

– 20 abmat sit-ups

– 20 medball Russian twists

– 30 abmat sit-ups

– 30 mountain climbers

– 20 abmat sit-ups

– 20 medball Russian twist

– 10 lemon squeezes

– 10 abmat sit-ups


8 min AMRAP
– 200m run (about 40-60 sec of running)

– 8 heavy object thrusters 

– 8 lemon squeezes or hanging knee raises


8 min AMRAP

– 30 double unders, 60 single unders, or 30 lateral hops

– 10 supermans

– 10 hand release push-ups


8 min AMRAP

– 200m run (sub in 40 sec of other cardio equipment)

– 12 heavy object or banded Romanian deadlifts

– 12 heavy object Russian twists

A) 3-4 sets:

– 10-20 DB floor press 

– 10-20/side bent over rows with heavy object


No equipment version: find something heavyish to press from the floor with. Do it single arm instead of double if you only have one weight. Complete 10-20 reps per arm. 


B) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time:

– weighted object ground to overhead

– weighted object goblet squats

– abmat sit-ups (scale up by holding object)


*Best object to use is a backpack filled with something heavy like books wrapped in a blanket for additional padding.

*Want to make it harder? Go back up to 10 and/or add the weighted object to your sit-ups.

***Last day to come and get equipment from the gym is today from 9-11am or 4-6pm***

A) 3-4 sets:

– 10-15/side rear foot elevated split squats

– 10-15 table or bed sheet rows


B) EMOM x 4-8 sets

1: 10-20 jumping lunges

2: 8-16 alternating DB snatch

3: 40 sec of cardio (jump rope, running 20 seconds out and back, any cardio equipment you might have)


No equipment version: sub DB snatch with NPU burpees

“Just A Cough”

1 round

– 1 mile run

– 50 burpees

2 rounds:

– 800m run

– 35 push-ups

3 rounds: 

– 600m run

– 20 air squats